Forum: Outlook Express
November 3rd 09, 08:18 PM Posted to
Replies: 26
Views: 1,504
Forum: Outlook Express
November 3rd 09, 08:18 PM Posted to
Replies: 26
Views: 1,504
Forum: Outlook Express
November 3rd 09, 04:08 PM Posted to
Replies: 26
Views: 1,504
outlook express outgoing mail
Hey I had the same problem.
I just changed the outgoing mail servers to my ISP's mail servers.
The settings that Microsoft wants me to use just did not work. At all.
It made me wonder who DID set...
Forum: Outlook Express
November 3rd 09, 04:08 PM Posted to
Replies: 26
Views: 1,504
outlook express outgoing mail
Hey I had the same problem.
I just changed the outgoing mail servers to my ISP's mail servers.
The settings that Microsoft wants me to use just did not work. At all.
It made me wonder who DID set...
Forum: Outlook - General Queries
April 15th 09, 11:42 PM Posted to microsoft.public.outlook
Replies: 2
Views: 563
Forum: Outlook - General Queries
February 14th 09, 05:40 PM Posted to microsoft.public.outlook
Replies: 0
Views: 380
Forum: Outlook Express
January 21st 09, 07:51 PM Posted to
Replies: 12
Views: 734
"Popping" Hotmail
And I, have no idea what this does:
IE Tools | Internet Options | Privacy | Sites: type...
But I did it.
"PA Bear [MS MVP]" wrote in message...
Forum: Outlook Express
January 21st 09, 12:41 AM Posted to
Replies: 12
Views: 734
"Popping" Hotmail
Same mail client. Have to believe a hiccup. But, I did change that setting
within IE to reflect that, as you suggested.
Could be that I was "compacting" a few times and stopped, in the...
Forum: Outlook Express
January 20th 09, 02:20 PM Posted to
Replies: 12
Views: 734
"Popping" Hotmail
OK, Right now Outlook Express is downloading over 8000 messages from my
Comcast account into my "in-box".
Going to the comcast web-mail client, it's really less than 10.
That's never happened...
Forum: Outlook Express
January 19th 09, 05:54 PM Posted to
Replies: 12
Views: 734
"Popping" Hotmail
OK. Done and done.
HTH? Me too.
"PA Bear [MS MVP]" wrote in message
IE Tools | Internet Options | Privacy | Sites:...
Forum: Outlook Express
January 18th 09, 04:01 PM Posted to
Replies: 12
Views: 734
"Popping" Hotmail
This may turn up a second time, but yes, it has worked and is working again.
I made the "cutt-off"date on several accounts, and the multiple in-boxes
*has* to be what throws off OE.
"PA Bear [MS...
Forum: Outlook Express
January 13th 09, 05:49 PM Posted to
Replies: 12
Views: 734
"Popping" Hotmail
Anyone else having issues getting Outlook Express to retrieve messages from
the Hotmail HTTP protocol servers out there on the Internet?
I use a couple of different "hotmail" accounts, but the one...
Forum: Outlook Express
December 5th 08, 07:20 PM Posted to
Replies: 7
Views: 482
Forum: Outlook Express
December 5th 08, 05:05 PM Posted to
Replies: 7
Views: 482
Sync-ing with Blackberry
"PA Bear [MS MVP]" wrote in message
A1. No.
A2. I'd very much doubt if you can sync the Blackberry with OE.
It's the...
Forum: Outlook Express
December 5th 08, 02:58 AM Posted to
Replies: 7
Views: 482
Sync-ing with Blackberry
"Bruce Hagen" wrote in message
OE never had a calendar. This is the only add-on I am aware of.
OEComplete Calendar For...
Forum: Outlook Express
December 4th 08, 04:15 PM Posted to
Replies: 7
Views: 482
Sync-ing with Blackberry
I almost never use Outlook anymore, just Outlook Express.
Couple of questions come to mind:
Was there ever a "calendar" function inside OE to keep appointments and
such? And, perhaps not so...
Forum: Outlook Express
November 20th 08, 09:41 PM Posted to
Replies: 10
Views: 1,309
what happened to my contacts?
"VanguardLH" wrote in message
ng_reader wrote:
VanguardLHwrote ...
ng_reader wrote:
My contacts have disappeared from...
Forum: Outlook Express
November 18th 08, 07:20 PM Posted to
Replies: 10
Views: 1,309
what happened to my contacts?
"VanguardLH" wrote in message
ng_reader wrote:
My contacts have disappeared from my OE panel.
I use Outlook and they are there,...
Forum: Outlook Express
November 18th 08, 05:24 PM Posted to
Replies: 10
Views: 1,309
what happened to my contacts?
"Bruce Hagen" wrote in message
The Contacts Pane may appear empty if the number of contacts in the
Address Book exceeds...
Forum: Outlook Express
November 18th 08, 03:54 PM Posted to
Replies: 10
Views: 1,309
what happened to my contacts?
My contacts have disappeared from my OE panel.
I use Outlook and they are there, but no longer in OE?
But, OE still knows who I want to e-mail by completing the address for me...