Forum: Outlook - Calandaring
July 9th 09, 05:26 AM Posted to microsoft.public.outlook.calendaring
Replies: 0
Views: 1,697
Unable to Edit Meeting Requests as Organizer
I have a user who created a meeting request in his Outlook 2003 calendar.
Saved the meeting, opend and goes back in and can no longer edit the meeting.
It is treating him as an attendee.
Forum: Add-ins for Outlook
October 24th 07, 01:19 AM Posted to microsoft.public.outlook.program_addins
Replies: 2
Views: 705
Error 0 with Redemption...huh?
That's the thing...I wasn't even sure which line is creating the error..
BUT...something you said helped me see what's happening:
There was no error. The email wasn't getting sent, however, so it...
Forum: Add-ins for Outlook
October 24th 07, 12:18 AM Posted to microsoft.public.outlook.program_addins
Replies: 2
Views: 705
Error 0 with Redemption...huh?
I have a COM add-in I've been developing for a while that was working
great...up until I changed some things and lost track of all the changes.
Unfortunately, I'm not using version control,...
Forum: Add-ins for Outlook
September 26th 07, 11:08 PM Posted to microsoft.public.outlook.program_addins
Replies: 4
Views: 860
Forum: Add-ins for Outlook
September 26th 07, 02:30 AM Posted to microsoft.public.outlook.program_addins
Replies: 4
Views: 860
Forum: Add-ins for Outlook
September 26th 07, 01:54 AM Posted to microsoft.public.outlook.program_addins
Replies: 4
Views: 860
Help! Strange error message.
I am trying to deploy a COM Add-in for Outlook for an enterprise
environment. It runs fine on my machine. When I take the setup files that
are generated by VS.NET 2005 to another computer,...
Forum: Add-ins for Outlook
July 18th 07, 01:48 AM Posted to microsoft.public.outlook.program_addins
Replies: 3
Views: 667
Please help! Sending mail from a COM add-in
Hi Sue
I'm using IDTExtensibility2. However, and excuse my beginner-ness, but I
did think to try passing that object, but it's created in the "OnConnection"
sub in another class. How can I...
Forum: Add-ins for Outlook
July 18th 07, 01:28 AM Posted to microsoft.public.outlook.program_addins
Replies: 1
Views: 638
Forum: Add-ins for Outlook
July 18th 07, 01:16 AM Posted to microsoft.public.outlook.program_addins
Replies: 3
Views: 667
Please help! Sending mail from a COM add-in
Please help!
I've been trying to send an email from within a COM addin in 2005,
but keep getting a very weird message:
'Unable to cast object of type 'System.__ComObject' to type...
Forum: Add-ins for Outlook
June 5th 07, 11:41 PM Posted to microsoft.public.outlook.program_addins
Replies: 1
Views: 667
Strange COM error
I posted a quesiton earlier, but it hasn't showed up in over an hour, so
I'll post again, this time with more info.
So I'm tring to access the Outlook 2003 Address book from (using...
Forum: Add-ins for Outlook
June 2nd 07, 09:17 AM Posted to microsoft.public.outlook.program_addins
Replies: 2
Views: 578
Add-in only runs once.
Maybe I should have been more specific about that second question. What I
mean is...I have the code for the toolbar add-in (from the MSDN
article)...that's one class. Then, I have the form. When...
Forum: Add-ins for Outlook
June 2nd 07, 08:57 AM Posted to microsoft.public.outlook.program_addins
Replies: 2
Views: 578
Add-in only runs once.
okay....nevermind...duh. I just used the ToolbarButton_Click event to show a
new instance of the form.
Here's a follow-on though. Is there a way to address the button I have on
the toolbar from...
Forum: Add-ins for Outlook
June 2nd 07, 07:53 AM Posted to microsoft.public.outlook.program_addins
Replies: 2
Views: 578
Add-in only runs once.
I've created an add-in using the exact steps shown here using in
Visual Studio 2005:
I've added a generic form in this project too. ...
Forum: Outlook - Installation
March 18th 07, 08:07 PM Posted to microsoft.public.outlook.installation
Replies: 1
Views: 374
Forum: Add-ins for Outlook
November 4th 06, 01:11 AM Posted to microsoft.public.outlook.program_addins
Replies: 5
Views: 977
Putting an add-in in the official Outlook list
Ahhh...I see now. When I started my project, I used a wizard in that
asked if I wanted my Add-In to be available to just the logged in user, or
everyone on the computer. I chose everyone. ...
Forum: Add-ins for Outlook
November 3rd 06, 10:57 PM Posted to microsoft.public.outlook.program_addins
Replies: 5
Views: 977
Forum: Add-ins for Outlook
November 3rd 06, 07:31 PM Posted to microsoft.public.outlook.program_addins
Replies: 5
Views: 977
Putting an add-in in the official Outlook list
I have a COM add-in that I'd like to have show up in the official list so
users can remove it at will. (Under Tools-Options-Other tab-Advanced
Options-COM Add-Ins), but despite the fact...
Forum: Add-ins for Outlook
September 21st 06, 11:56 PM Posted to microsoft.public.outlook.program_addins
Replies: 1
Views: 600
Forum: Add-ins for Outlook
September 21st 06, 11:55 PM Posted to microsoft.public.outlook.program_addins
Replies: 3
Views: 857
Forum: Add-ins for Outlook
September 21st 06, 02:56 AM Posted to microsoft.public.outlook.program_addins
Replies: 3
Views: 857
Forum: Add-ins for Outlook
September 21st 06, 12:08 AM Posted to microsoft.public.outlook.program_addins
Replies: 2
Views: 742
Forum: Add-ins for Outlook
September 19th 06, 08:10 PM Posted to microsoft.public.outlook.program_addins
Replies: 2
Views: 742
How to update an add-in?
Suppose I make an add-in for company-wide distribution, then I want to
update it later. Is there a way to have an add-in check an intranet server
for an update and automatically install...
Forum: Add-ins for Outlook
September 18th 06, 11:44 PM Posted to microsoft.public.outlook.program_addins
Replies: 1
Views: 736
MS Project window within Outlook possible?
Hi again
While I'm in the presence of the folks who know...I figured I'd ask
another one. I need info from Outlook's task list to use in Microsoft
Project. I have thought about, for a while...
Forum: Add-ins for Outlook
September 18th 06, 08:52 PM Posted to microsoft.public.outlook.program_addins
Replies: 1
Views: 859
Change color of MS Project task bar from Outlook
I've instantiated an instance of Project from an Outlook COM add-in, and
need to figure out how to change the color of a task bar in Project, along
with changing the symbol at the end of...
Forum: Outlook - Using Contacts
March 30th 06, 12:01 AM Posted to microsoft.public.outlook.contacts
Replies: 0
Views: 416