Forum: Outlook Express
February 3rd 07, 10:59 PM Posted to
Replies: 1
Views: 496
Acrobat Slow Load
Only on one machine do I see this: if while in IE you click on a PDF file,
Acrobat starts to load but takes a long time to do so. Well, couple of
minutes. I know, compared to the age of the...
Forum: Outlook Express
April 15th 06, 05:34 AM Posted to
Replies: 2
Views: 586
Forum: Outlook Express
April 14th 06, 06:07 AM Posted to
Replies: 2
Views: 586
msoe.dll Weird With Latest Patch
I'm gonna have trouble explaining this... but my most recent security
updates put a newer version of msoe.dll in the Outlook Express folder. Now
my Word macros don't work unless I replace it with...
Forum: Outlook Express
April 8th 06, 03:39 AM Posted to
Replies: 6
Views: 939
Message could not be displayed
But I wouldn't expect that to happen with 4 PCs unless you happened to
have copied the same DBX files to all 4 PCs.
Yikes. I probably have, on building new systems, simply copied all dbx...
Forum: Outlook Express
April 6th 06, 10:14 PM Posted to
Replies: 6
Views: 939
Message could not be displayed
Is this for news posts or e-mail?
E-mail (I haven't had occasion to try with news posts).
If e-mail, is it a POP3, IMAP or HTTP mail server? If in doubt, look at
Tools, Accounts, Mail,...