Shared Calendar - Can't connect by
I am trying to set up my shared calendar. I've added a couple of users,
giving them read permissions to the calendar. When I try to set them up as...
October 7th 09 07:08 PM
by Tom
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one user cant see calendar items by
I have one user who suddenly can not see my calendar enties. She can open
my calendar and she has permissions.
she has outlook 2007 and the sevrer...
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Outlook 2007 alternate month shading by
I don't recall alternate months in the "Month" being shaded before I
installed US holidays. The current month is white but previous and following...
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Meeting Request - CTRL S by
Outlook 2003 SP3
Exchange 2003 SP2
I prepare a new meeting request :
I take the default date and time proposed
I add a subject
I add the...
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appoinment length by
Anyone have the problem of the default duration of an appointment lasting
into the next claendar day?
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Colour category by
WICKed Lites
On all my appointments I categorise them using different colours. Until
today I've never had a problem doing this.
Normally when you add a...
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Link to file when inserting an object by
Linda Stephen
I'm trying to insert an object (word document on a network) in a shared outlook calendar. I need to link ot the file so that the document can be...
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Cant see shared calendar by
One of our engineers can not see the shared Engineering calendar. We are on
an exchange server.
Can you point me in the right direction
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Need expert help with my calendar by
okay so I want to use my snipping tool to make my own calendar but here is my
problem. I am using Outlook 2003 and when I view the calendar in...
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