PLEASE HELP with reminder pop-ups by
This question has been asked many times but NEVER answered (at least back as
far as 12/17).
Does any one know how to make reminder pop-up windows...
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March 29th 06 05:28 PM
by yfnitg
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March 29th 06 04:56 PM
by Finner
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2,743 |
graph vacation leaves by
How can I make Microsoft Office graph a vacation leave for my 60 employees
having in mind only a percentage is allowed for the leave. Which MS...
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673 |
appointment printing shading by
Outlook man
I have Outlook 2000 and the appointments keep being printed in dark boxes
that make the letters white it is hard to read. How can I change to black...
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Calendar synchronisation by
Malcolm Goodwin
Dear Friends,
I currently have a networked account (exchange) where my main e-mails
arrive, and I have this set-up so that the e-mails are...
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March 29th 06 11:31 AM
by nickh
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4,384 |
Separate Reminders? by
Jeni Q
A users asked me if there's any way to separate calendar reminders from his
other reminders. Kind of a weird question, I realize, but thought it...
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623 |
Reminder default cleared? by
I would like the default on calendar reminders to be 'none'. I can't seem to
find a way to do that.
March 29th 06 05:43 AM
by markt
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860 |
Unable to Delete Certain Calendar Items. by
Jon F. Thome
Supported user was given a new laptop. Old laptop was reimaged before .OST
could be recovered. Several items, (Meeting Requests and Appointments)...
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March 29th 06 01:08 AM
by C2M
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887 |
Adding Holidays by
I can add holidays or other standard dates on Outlook no problem, but is it
possible to insert Holidays / Standard Office Dates whilst using Outlook...
March 28th 06 11:31 PM
by JayW
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