January 29th 07 05:36 PM
by fire73
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missing inbox.dbx by
When I open OE 6, all the pre-existing content of my Inbox (including
subfolders and their contents) have disappeared. I can locate inbox.dbx and...
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Incorrect 'From' addresses in OE Replies by
Dick vN
When someone replies to one of my email messages, the 'From' field of the
reply may (not always) contain my own address, rather than the sender's. ...
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envoi et réception d'email by
Bonjour Ã* tous,
Le problème est le suivant: je possède plusieurs adresses répertoriées
dans les comptes de outlook Express. La seule façon...
January 29th 07 10:22 AM
by william
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OE6 and ME by
Is OE 6 compatible with ME? Have a friend with ME who is very comfortable
with it, but I was wondering if she could update her ver. 5 to 6.
( 1 2)
January 29th 07 05:51 AM
by Ed Meza
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messges d'erreurs by
Impossible de trouver l'hôte smtp. Vérifiez que vous avez entré correctement
le nom du serveur. Compte : 'pop3', Serveur : 'smtp', Protocole : SMTP,...
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Corrupt Identities? by
Recently all the posts in all my subscribed groups started showing up as
replied to with no original. Every thread starts with
I tried...
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January 29th 07 01:15 AM
by seeker
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Changing a File Date by
Bill Helbron
I happened to notice when organizing one of my folders that an email message
that I received back on 06-Mar-2000 appears as 06-Mar-2006 and,...
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News Groups by
I recently lost my hard drive and had to reinstall.
I used to have a newsgroup on my original (free came with the IE) but I cant
remember the...
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January 28th 07 10:06 PM
by CWLee
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problem with new mail.... by
Carpe Diem
A friend of mine has this problem :
When he forwards a mail (that he got from another friend) then there is no
But when he sends me a NEW...
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Can't find address book by
I have a system with the lsass.exe problem. I couldn't even get into Safe
mode. So, I have put another drive into the system so that I can copy...
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