Header Forgery Attempt by
Claudette Hennessy
I am migrating to a laptop. I set up my email account on the laptop but the
test message was rejected with the error 'header forgery attempt'. I...
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sending duplicatemesseges by
Bob H[_5_]
the answer to both questions is yes--mulitiples appear in sent box. and
everytime i e-mail someone
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Custom Views by
I have various rules set up so that mail from colleagues gets filtered into folders. I get a lot of email in a day and wondered if their was a custom...
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windows mail and also hotmail by
1. am able to use e-mail from work computer
2. recently bought a home system
---although i can see inbox, sent , etc. i cannot send any e-mails., it...
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Odd Behavior with LinkSys Router by
This is more a curiousity than a problem, but I am hoping some guru out
there can provide an explanation. (Fully aware that I using a...
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2003 'send' problem by
I have just changed ISP from BT to Virgin media.
My computer is Windows Vista SP1 with Outlook 2007. Setting up the new
mail server was no problem...
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Using two email accounts by
I have two email accounts. One personal, and one for my company. Each runs on
a unique server. Outlook is set up to empty both, which it does....
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syncing with phone by
i just purchased a new computer, and I was hoping to sync my motorola Q9 with
outlook. It runs windows mobile. I installed activesync and the...
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Outlook 2003 Sharing Forms by
Future Date Emails
Hi: I created a new Task Form and need for others on my team to be able to
send it out as well. When I send it to other team members they are not...
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Add Contact List by
Jan Groshan
In my Outlook 2007 contacts I have a "sub-list" called HOA, but when I click
on "To" to send a message and the contact list comes up, the HOA list...
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syncing with phone by
How do i get my contacts and calendar from my exisiting phone onto a new
computer with outlook?
My computer says I am sucessfully syncing, but no...
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Sporadic Issue with Outlook Anywhere by
Jon-Alfred Smith
Some users report that Outlook does not always auto-detect when to use
HTTPS (Outlook Anywhere) and when to use TCP/IP (MAPI RPC). In the
dialog box...
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saving a copy of the raw email by
Marvin Blackburn
i am running outlook 2007 connected to an exchange server.
I generate a copy the raw email, i.e, the email including the
internet headers etc so...
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