Acquiring selected email to work with in VBA
I am really quite embarrassed at the gaps in my knowledge and with this being my first time post I hope you can direct me to the right place if posting this question here is inappropriate.
I have done a moderate amount of VBA programming with Access and have manipulated.OFT files to adjust their content and send them. I now wish to be able to do similar work on incoming emails but I really don't know where to begin! I suppose I'm asking…
1: how do I capture the currently selected email in a mail folder?
2: When I have it what are the accessible variables for the various components of the email including the body text of the email itself?
3: When I have manipulated these variables how do I save the email and move it to a different mail folder?
I know that much of this could be done using a macro rather than VB code but I don't know how to create a macro either!
Perhaps you could point me to a (simple!) Help document or possibly point me towards code for a module that does similar things.
I will be so grateful for your help and thank you in advance.
UPDATE: After stumbling about this and other forums, I have managed to work out and largely solve most of the questions above and managed to produce a successful macro. However further guidance would not only be useful for me but I guess it might be for others too. For this reason I have left this thread open.
Last edited by Philip Rose : January 1st 15 at 01:18 PM.
Reason: UPDATE