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HTML Item properties vs. Regular item properties

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Old December 22nd 06, 06:08 AM posted to microsoft.public.outlook.program_vba
Rayo K
external usenet poster
Posts: 16
Default HTML Item properties vs. Regular item properties

They would be the same, because when sending an email from an MSN account
through Outlook, the sent message is copied to the default Sent Items folder
as well as the Sent Items folder on the MSN server. Thus two copies of the
same message exist for every email sent when MSN is accessed via outlook.

Except, for some reason, the SentOn time is actually different for the two

"Dmitry Streblechenko" wrote:

Why would they be the same? How do you end up with two copies of the same
message to begin with?

Dmitry Streblechenko (MVP)
OutlookSpy - Outlook, CDO
and MAPI Developer Tool

"Rayo K" wrote in message
Ah ha! I see what I did wrong. I forgot to change the section of code
sorted the emails when the first sent time was greater than the second.
is my modified code, which is working for now. However, I must keep
calibrating the time threshhold for the difference betwen recorded Sent
times. Thank you!

However, I still don't understand why the sent times would be different in
the first place. Why would Outlook record different times for the HTTP
and the default folder?

Sub CopyEmails()
'Written by Rayo Kumana 11/20/06
'handles for manipulated objects
Dim app As Outlook.Application
Dim space As NameSpace
Dim box1 As MAPIFolder
Dim box2 As MAPIFolder
Dim folder1 As MAPIFolder
Dim folder2 As MAPIFolder
Dim itemcoll1 As Items
Dim itemcoll2 As Items
Dim item1 As Object
Dim item2 As Object
Dim itemCopy As Object

Dim x As Integer, y As Integer
Dim bookmark As Integer
Dim numItems As Integer
Dim totalCopied As Integer
Dim FCont As Boolean

Dim TimeThresh As Date

'TimeThreshhold is an approximate gate for the difference in time _
between the HTTP folder's SentOn and the Default folder's SentOn.
'It should be set more than the max error between SentOn values _
but less than the minimum expected time between sending two emails.
TimeThresh = 1 / 24 / 60 / 6
'It is currently set to 10 seconds

'define the handles
Set app = CreateObject("Outlook.Application")
Set space = app.GetNamespace("MAPI")
Set box1 = space.Folders("MSN")
Set folder1 = box1.Folders("Sent Items")
Set box2 = space.Folders("Test1")
Set folder2 = box2.Folders("Sent Items")
Set itemcoll1 = folder1.Items
Set itemcoll2 = folder2.Items

'sort items collections by send date
itemcoll1.Sort "[SentOn]", True
itemcoll2.Sort "[SentOn]", True

'step through all items in collection 1
numItems = itemcoll1.Count
totalCopied = 0
y = 1
'bookmark marks the last y corresponding to the last time checked. It
from checking later emails over and over again.
bookmark = 1

For x = 1 To numItems
'Set item1 to the new key, set y to the first index and turn on the
'Really, I should be able to start at the last index because the keys were
also sorted, _
but I'm not comfortable with that yet. The = code could advance the index
too far.
Set item1 = itemcoll1(x)
y = bookmark
FCont = True

'go through items in folder 2
Do While FCont
'For each iteration, the routine looks at the recevied time for item1
(the key) _
and item2 (the indexed item).
'The indexed item cycles through from last received to first. If the
time is greater _
then the key must not be in the index - otherwise it would would been
equal to a prior index.
'If it is earlier than the index, we cycle back until we find an index
that it is greater _
or equal to.

'If there is no item corresponding to y, then we checked every index
the email _
is not in the folder.
If y itemcoll2.Count Then
'If the server is not connected, it will not copy the email
On Error Resume Next
Set itemCopy = item1.Copy
If Err.Number Then
MsgBox "An error occurred while copying an item. Check that the
folder is online.", vbOKOnly, "Terminate"
GoTo Fin
itemCopy.Move folder2
CompareItem item1, item2
totalCopied = totalCopied + 1

End If

bookmark = y
Exit Do
End If
'Now we set the index to the new y
Set item2 = itemcoll2(y)

'If the sent time is greater than the item in folder 2, the email is
new _
and will be moved
If item1.SentOn (item2.SentOn + TimeThresh) Then
'Turn off the continue flag and copy the item
FCont = False
'If the server is not connected, it will not copy the email
On Error Resume Next
Set itemCopy = item1.Copy
If Err.Number Then
MsgBox "An error occurred while copying an item. Check that the
folder is online.", vbOKOnly, "Terminate"
GoTo Fin
itemCopy.Move folder2
totalCopied = totalCopied + 1
End If
bookmark = y
End If

If Abs(item1.SentOn - item2.SentOn) TimeThresh Then
'We have an item within the time threshold of the key. The continue
flag is off and the copy flag is on. _
'Either it is the same email or we will copy it.
'Either way, we will not continue with this key
FCont = False

bookmark = y

If Not (item1.Subject = item2.Subject) Then
'If the subjects are different, copy the email
'If the server is not connected, it will not copy the email
On Error Resume Next
Set itemCopy = item1.Copy
If Err.Number Then
MsgBox "An error occurred while copying an item. Check
that the folder is online.", vbOKOnly, "Terminate"
GoTo Fin
itemCopy.Move folder2
totalCopied = totalCopied + 1

End If

End If
'The continue flag is off either way, so the loop will terminate

End If

'if the key is not greater than the index, and not the same, increment
the index by one.
y = y + 1

Next x

MsgBox totalCopied & " e-mails copied.", vbOKOnly, "Copying e-mails

End Sub

"Dmitry Streblechenko" wrote:

Outlook shows time rounded to the next minute, e.g. "12/20/2006
will be displayed as "12/20/2006 3:38" by Outlook, the same as
3:37:56:142" while the values are clearly diferent under the hood.

Dmitry Streblechenko (MVP)
OutlookSpy - Outlook, CDO
and MAPI Developer Tool

"Rayo K" wrote in message
I tried the code you suggested and it now copies several emails which it
wasn't copying before, and they all show the same time.

"Dmitry Streblechenko" wrote:

I doubt it is possible.
Have you tried to modify the line

If item1.SentOn = item2.SentOn Then

to something like

If Abs(item1.SentOn, item2.SentOn) 1/24/60/60 Then

Dmitry Streblechenko (MVP)
OutlookSpy - Outlook, CDO
and MAPI Developer Tool

"Rayo K" wrote in message
I have found something. The problem seems to be with emails that are
or Fwds. In one case the SentOn and Subject properties return those
reply or forward, and in the other they return the properties of the

Now, how do I specify that the property should be from the

"Dmitry Streblechenko" wrote:

Please show your code. Are you sure the date/time properties are
Due to the roundoff errors, you should never expect an exact match,
rather check that the difference between two values is less than
(e.g. millisecond).

Dmitry Streblechenko (MVP)
OutlookSpy - Outlook, CDO
and MAPI Developer Tool

"Rayo K" wrote in message

I have a macro that is supposed to check my HTTP MSN acount for
emails that are not already in my OUtlook folder "Sent Items". I
by checking the sent time and subject. However, the code seems to
properties as 'not equal' even when it's the same email. Is there
about being on a HTTP server that affects the item properties
will evaluate as not equal?

Old December 22nd 06, 06:43 AM posted to microsoft.public.outlook.program_vba
Dmitry Streblechenko
external usenet poster
Posts: 2,116
Default HTML Item properties vs. Regular item properties

I don't use the MSN provider, but AFAIK the date in the default store's is
set based on the local time, while the messages in the MSN store are
downloaded back from the MSN server and the dates are set based on the
server time, which can be different (even within seconds) from the local

Dmitry Streblechenko (MVP)
OutlookSpy - Outlook, CDO
and MAPI Developer Tool

"Rayo K" wrote in message
They would be the same, because when sending an email from an MSN account
through Outlook, the sent message is copied to the default Sent Items
as well as the Sent Items folder on the MSN server. Thus two copies of the
same message exist for every email sent when MSN is accessed via outlook.

Except, for some reason, the SentOn time is actually different for the two

"Dmitry Streblechenko" wrote:

Why would they be the same? How do you end up with two copies of the same
message to begin with?

Dmitry Streblechenko (MVP)
OutlookSpy - Outlook, CDO
and MAPI Developer Tool

"Rayo K" wrote in message
Ah ha! I see what I did wrong. I forgot to change the section of code
sorted the emails when the first sent time was greater than the second.
is my modified code, which is working for now. However, I must keep
calibrating the time threshhold for the difference betwen recorded Sent
times. Thank you!

However, I still don't understand why the sent times would be different
the first place. Why would Outlook record different times for the HTTP
and the default folder?

Sub CopyEmails()
'Written by Rayo Kumana 11/20/06
'handles for manipulated objects
Dim app As Outlook.Application
Dim space As NameSpace
Dim box1 As MAPIFolder
Dim box2 As MAPIFolder
Dim folder1 As MAPIFolder
Dim folder2 As MAPIFolder
Dim itemcoll1 As Items
Dim itemcoll2 As Items
Dim item1 As Object
Dim item2 As Object
Dim itemCopy As Object

Dim x As Integer, y As Integer
Dim bookmark As Integer
Dim numItems As Integer
Dim totalCopied As Integer
Dim FCont As Boolean

Dim TimeThresh As Date

'TimeThreshhold is an approximate gate for the difference in time _
between the HTTP folder's SentOn and the Default folder's SentOn.
'It should be set more than the max error between SentOn values _
but less than the minimum expected time between sending two emails.
TimeThresh = 1 / 24 / 60 / 6
'It is currently set to 10 seconds

'define the handles
Set app = CreateObject("Outlook.Application")
Set space = app.GetNamespace("MAPI")
Set box1 = space.Folders("MSN")
Set folder1 = box1.Folders("Sent Items")
Set box2 = space.Folders("Test1")
Set folder2 = box2.Folders("Sent Items")
Set itemcoll1 = folder1.Items
Set itemcoll2 = folder2.Items

'sort items collections by send date
itemcoll1.Sort "[SentOn]", True
itemcoll2.Sort "[SentOn]", True

'step through all items in collection 1
numItems = itemcoll1.Count
totalCopied = 0
y = 1
'bookmark marks the last y corresponding to the last time checked. It
from checking later emails over and over again.
bookmark = 1

For x = 1 To numItems
'Set item1 to the new key, set y to the first index and turn on the
'Really, I should be able to start at the last index because the keys
also sorted, _
but I'm not comfortable with that yet. The = code could advance the
too far.
Set item1 = itemcoll1(x)
y = bookmark
FCont = True

'go through items in folder 2
Do While FCont
'For each iteration, the routine looks at the recevied time for
(the key) _
and item2 (the indexed item).
'The indexed item cycles through from last received to first. If the
time is greater _
then the key must not be in the index - otherwise it would would
equal to a prior index.
'If it is earlier than the index, we cycle back until we find an
that it is greater _
or equal to.

'If there is no item corresponding to y, then we checked every index
the email _
is not in the folder.
If y itemcoll2.Count Then
'If the server is not connected, it will not copy the email
On Error Resume Next
Set itemCopy = item1.Copy
If Err.Number Then
MsgBox "An error occurred while copying an item. Check that
folder is online.", vbOKOnly, "Terminate"
GoTo Fin
itemCopy.Move folder2
CompareItem item1, item2
totalCopied = totalCopied + 1

End If

bookmark = y
Exit Do
End If
'Now we set the index to the new y
Set item2 = itemcoll2(y)

'If the sent time is greater than the item in folder 2, the email is
new _
and will be moved
If item1.SentOn (item2.SentOn + TimeThresh) Then
'Turn off the continue flag and copy the item
FCont = False
'If the server is not connected, it will not copy the email
On Error Resume Next
Set itemCopy = item1.Copy
If Err.Number Then
MsgBox "An error occurred while copying an item. Check that
folder is online.", vbOKOnly, "Terminate"
GoTo Fin
itemCopy.Move folder2
totalCopied = totalCopied + 1
End If
bookmark = y
End If

If Abs(item1.SentOn - item2.SentOn) TimeThresh Then
'We have an item within the time threshold of the key. The
flag is off and the copy flag is on. _
'Either it is the same email or we will copy it.
'Either way, we will not continue with this key
FCont = False

bookmark = y

If Not (item1.Subject = item2.Subject) Then
'If the subjects are different, copy the email
'If the server is not connected, it will not copy the email
On Error Resume Next
Set itemCopy = item1.Copy
If Err.Number Then
MsgBox "An error occurred while copying an item. Check
that the folder is online.", vbOKOnly, "Terminate"
GoTo Fin
itemCopy.Move folder2
totalCopied = totalCopied + 1

End If

End If
'The continue flag is off either way, so the loop will terminate

End If

'if the key is not greater than the index, and not the same,
the index by one.
y = y + 1

Next x

MsgBox totalCopied & " e-mails copied.", vbOKOnly, "Copying e-mails

End Sub

"Dmitry Streblechenko" wrote:

Outlook shows time rounded to the next minute, e.g. "12/20/2006
will be displayed as "12/20/2006 3:38" by Outlook, the same as
3:37:56:142" while the values are clearly diferent under the hood.

Dmitry Streblechenko (MVP)
OutlookSpy - Outlook, CDO
and MAPI Developer Tool

"Rayo K" wrote in message
I tried the code you suggested and it now copies several emails which
wasn't copying before, and they all show the same time.

"Dmitry Streblechenko" wrote:

I doubt it is possible.
Have you tried to modify the line

If item1.SentOn = item2.SentOn Then

to something like

If Abs(item1.SentOn, item2.SentOn) 1/24/60/60 Then

Dmitry Streblechenko (MVP)
OutlookSpy - Outlook, CDO
and MAPI Developer Tool

"Rayo K" wrote in message
I have found something. The problem seems to be with emails that
or Fwds. In one case the SentOn and Subject properties return
reply or forward, and in the other they return the properties of

Now, how do I specify that the property should be from the

"Dmitry Streblechenko" wrote:

Please show your code. Are you sure the date/time properties are
Due to the roundoff errors, you should never expect an exact
rather check that the difference between two values is less than
(e.g. millisecond).

Dmitry Streblechenko (MVP)
OutlookSpy - Outlook, CDO
and MAPI Developer Tool

"Rayo K" wrote in message

I have a macro that is supposed to check my HTTP MSN acount
emails that are not already in my OUtlook folder "Sent Items".
by checking the sent time and subject. However, the code seems
properties as 'not equal' even when it's the same email. Is
about being on a HTTP server that affects the item properties
will evaluate as not equal?


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