Help with TextRetrievalMode? by
Just come across this oddity... (Word 2002, under Vista HP)
I don't seem to be able to change the values for TextRetrievalMode
October 12th 07 07:05 PM
by Julian
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Help with Range.TextRetrievalMode? by
Just come across this oddity...
I don't seem to be able to change the values for TextRetrievalMode
(includehiddentext or includefields) when the...
October 12th 07 07:00 PM
by Julian
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October 12th 07 12:38 AM
by Edward
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Delete Shared Task by
Trying to delete a shared task. Using this example:
Sub DeleteSharedTask()
Dim objOL As Outlook.Application
Dim objNS As Outlook.NameSpace
( 1 2)
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get outlook mailbox size from vba by
I am looking for some VBA code to get the Outlook Mailbox size on the
exchange server from Access.
I found this url...
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4,805 |
Copy Graphs from MS Word to Outlook by
masani paresh[_2_]
I have writen one macro in Excel to generate graphs, open MS word and copy
those graph in MS word, and then open Outlook and copy those...
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Forward selected mail as attatchment by
Hello together,
I want to write a macro that forwards an selected mail in the Inbox as an
attachment to a newly generated mail without subject or...
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Retrieving sent items by
specs: Outlook2003 WinXP
In my database I want to store the data I sent via Outlook. My plan is to be
able to retract certain appointments if...
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October 9th 07 07:27 PM
by AntGut
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1,214 |
using letter template by
I use following code to create a mail using Outlook from within Excel.
I created a template file (BeLUG vzw.htm) that resides in :
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Sent Appointment - not visible by
specs: Outlook 2003 - winXP
I'm developing an Acces database with some automation to Outlook. In Access
I create an appointment which I want...
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October 8th 07 08:43 AM
by Jan T.
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Error 91 by
Pierre Scerri
The following code is giving me the error:
Runtime error 91: 'Object variable of With Block variable not set'
If Iexplr Is Nothing Then Set...
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