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Link Makros to Profile by
jens m. guessregen
is it possible to limk differnt makros to profiles?
I have Outlook 2003 with 3 different profiles and I want to have different
makros for...
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OL2003 - Move read IMAP messages by
Currently I have a rule that moves all new incoming IMAP messages to the the
local Inbox. The problem is that if I read a messages through a web...
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Makro with access to Sender.name by
jens m. guessregen
I have a moakro, which is accessing the sender.name information of a mail.
Everytime, I am starting this makro, a message comes up, which is...
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Problem with Outlook Automation by
I have some code I use to create a mail message in Outlook 2003 as follows:
Dim objOutlook As Outlook.Application
Set objOutlook =...
( 1 2)
January 15th 07 08:09 AM
by Neil
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1,837 |
January 15th 07 08:07 AM
by Neil
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2,533 |
Automate Email by
I'm running Outlook 2003 on Exchange 2003 server.
I would like to schedule an automated email that will be send out to the
same recipients with the...
January 12th 07 11:35 PM
by A+P
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January 12th 07 07:42 PM
by Tadwick
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January 12th 07 03:55 PM
by Ron
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Office Clipboard by
Please add programming capabilities to VBA to control and manipulate the
Office Clipboard. Most importantly, how to turn off...
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996 |
Can no longer debug VSTO add-in by
all of a sudden I can no longer debug my Outlook 2003 VSTO addin. I don't
*think* I changed anything but obviously something has happened.
When I...
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