Extract Distribution List info from XLS by
From xls, i'm trying to retrieve the distribution list information (like
Display name, the name of Members, E-mail address ...).
My question...
July 13th 06 04:48 AM
by Jason
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macro to change settings by
I would like to create a macro that will change the settings in tools,
Options, Mail Format
The macro will only need to be run once. I do not know...
( 1 2)
July 12th 06 04:39 PM
by PKern
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equivalent of "http package" in Tcl by
I want to send data using a cgi script via a http interface to the server
from indide a VBA code. Is that possible? I know of something called...
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Send With Redemption by
Access 2000
I am using the following code to create an email and send it to my
Outlook 2000 Outbox..and everything works OK.
Since I have upgraded...
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Startup order Outlook Add Ins? by
I'm having some trouble with an outlook add in:
I made an outlook add in, but sometimes for (yet) unknow reasons it suddenly
stops loading. The...
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Error using SaveSentMessageFolder by
The VBA code below is executed after sending a message in outlook (OL2003).
Unfortunatelty this code will give an error as result in case the...
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Searching for information in Message Header by
Rafal Harrison-Staska
Hi guys,
I was looking for a way I could search the message header for a string :
"Message-ID: *@DEUN" but unfortunately I cannot use rules "*"...
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July 11th 06 10:31 AM
by Akki
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Advanced Archiving by
Hi, I would like to do the following:
I want to keep email in my personal folders for 1 week and the archive
to a .pst file which may or may not...
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Opening calendar by
I have a rule to move calendar item to a subfolder within mailbox. Due to
this the snipper doesnt post item as tentative.
I'm looking for a script...
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July 10th 06 08:45 PM
by Mick
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July 10th 06 05:46 PM
by Higgsy
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OL2003: Open Mailitem by
René Panzeri
I try to open a mailitem out of a database with the following code
Dim appOutlook As Outlook.Application
Dim olNamespace As...
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.sent=False by
After successfuly putting together the code to open an outlook email and
letting the user decide to send the email or not, I would like the code to...
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Can Outlook send external IP Number? by
I've searched every where w no success. Can anyone please tell me if it is
possible for Outlook to check and note the external IP number and send it...
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