Programmatically change Outlook Settings by
Hi Folks,
Can anyone tell me if there is a way to programmatically change settings
within Outlook, ideally using VB.net/VB6? Specifically, I need...
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Access Database by
I have 21 names in the list box, this names have their own
individual querys. Adobe, Microsoft, Billback, etc., Also they have there own
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macros without coding? by
Attempting to create a macro in Outlook sends me into Visual Basic. I don't
understand it. I don't understand how to write code. Visual Basic's Help...
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Calendar to PST by
Seppo Martikainen
I'm using Outlook 2002 SP3 and I would like to program a daily move of a
Outlook Calendar from one organisation to another. From the GUI I can...
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backup outlook tasks by
Hi All,
I would like to make a backup of my outlook tasks without using the
export as .pst.
I just want a VBA macro that will make a copy of all my...
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validate incoming messages by
Good morning,
First off, I have never done any programming in Outlook.
Is it possible, how can I, to check all incomming e-mail messages subject...
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Anlage Speichern by
Gustav Einer
Wie kann ich die Anlagen die mittels Regelassistant in einen Ordner
(Persönlicher Ordner) verschoben werden,
Automatisch Speichern.
Hab leider...
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June 27th 06 06:59 PM
by Ian
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MessageClass Property of a Post by
Using VBA, I extracted text from 200 rows of a Word table and created 200
Post Items. I wanted the Posts Items displayed in an Outlook form I'd...
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June 27th 06 09:49 AM
by Geoff
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ReplytoAll Warning by
I want a warning to display when the "Reply to All" is clicked.
I am adding the following code to "This Outlook Session":
Private Sub...
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Array of outlook items....HELP!! by
I'm using the following code, from Excel, with no reference to Outlook:
Dim objOutlook As Object
Dim objMailItem As Object
Dim myCreatedEmails()...
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