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Outlook Contacts - Notes field by
How do I define Outlook Contacts NOTES field in Outlook 2003? I thought it
is defined as Contacts.Info. Errors is as below
Error: Object doesn't...
February 1st 06 02:10 AM
by Symuser
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Shared Calendar start up views by
Sue Mosher [MVP-Outlook]
The navigation pane isn't directly programmable, and editing the raw XML for it doesn't work reliably.
Sue Mosher, Outlook MVP
Author of...
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Mail Merge - Office 2003 by
Sue Mosher [MVP-Outlook]
Did you add a reference to the Word library to your project?
Sue Mosher, Outlook MVP
Author of Configuring Microsoft Outlook 2003
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Remove invalid characters from path by
Daniel Sommerfeld
I am working on a macro that saves messages to a folder if the subject
contains certain text. This becomes a problem with , FW:, and any special...
January 31st 06 06:00 PM
by David C
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Redemption - problem with Save by
I'm using Redemption to circumnavigate Outlook 2003 security on my setup
while using some code to handle new messages. When I set the SafeItem.Item...
January 31st 06 10:56 AM
by Martin
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setting default for combobox... by
Jim Burke in Novi
I can't figure out the syntax for setting a multi-column combobox to a
particular value after populating the combobox. I get errors no matter what I...
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outlook macro by
is it possible to write an outlook macro that can connect to an access
database, get data from some tables (including email addresses) and then
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macro for "from" field by
How do you create a macro to automatically fill in the "from" field...so that
the e-mail can look as if it came from a Support Dept instead of YOU?
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Events not always triggered by
Jim Burke in Novi
My events for appointment items being added or changed aren't always
triggered when I add or change an appointment. Sometimes, after I start a...
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Open Outlook in Shared Calendar View? by
Network consists of a small amount of users who do not use individual
calendars but share one specific calendar. Since the users only use Outlook...
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user details by
I have a generic txt box on a custom appt form that is being used for
receipents. What I want to do is place a button on the form that acts as a...
January 30th 06 06:19 AM
by Rookie
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clipboard by
Joel Allen
Currently, I have a script that opens up Internet Explorer to a specific
objWeb.Navigate \\test\test
How can I just have it so I...
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items.add error 3265 by
I having problems with adding an appointment item.
Dim oActiviteitenMap As MAPIFolder
Dim oAgenda As Outlook.AppointmentItem
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Script by
Joel Allen
Outlook 2003. Tasks.
While holding the shift key down, and opening a new task, the script is
still enabled. It is suppose to be disabled....
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