Redemption - Rules for outlook by
Christopher Long
Afternoon. Think i may have placed the last post in the wrong newsgroup so
please excuse the double post.
I have been using the redemption dll as...
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'Trusted' VBA code in Outlook 2003? by
I am using a simple VBA routine from
http://www.outlookcode.com/article.aspx?id=72 to BCC all my outgoing emails
sent from my notebook to a backup...
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September 8th 09 02:32 AM
by Trefor
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Capture Inbound E-mail Subject with VBA by
I am just starting to experiment with Outlook VBA.
I am looking for a simple example of how to capture the content of an
inbound e-mail’s subject...
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Push a single contact through to excel by
I am new to macros but see that they will greatly help to run my small
I have been trying to find some code which suits my requirement of...
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Item Property CHange by
Hi, I have a problem with the Form default properties, I'm working in Outlook
2003, when a property is changed from its Inspector, all events fire...
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Outlook wont .quit by
I originally posted this under Word Programming, but I've not had any
response, so I thought I should try my luck with the friendly Outlook...
September 3rd 09 07:56 PM
by Rich007
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hide outlook to system tray by
I want to force users to open outlook 2003 at windoos startup
I found the following :
set shell = createobject("wscript.Shell")
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September 3rd 09 12:42 PM
by Наталья
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Redemption Send EMail by
Peter Hibbs
With Outlook 2003 and Access 2003 I am using the following code to
send emails from an Access database using Outlook Redemption.
Dim SafeItem As...
( 1 2)
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Errormessage "A field requires a Value" by
Sue Mosher [MVP][_3_]
Here's the other method: Use the third-party Outlook Redemption library from
http://www.dimastr.com/redemption. It exposes this information as the...
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Errormessage "A field requires a Value" by
I have a custom form region in Outlook 2007 defined. It worked fine as long as I only used Custom Fields bound to my controls. Now I
decided to...
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Junk Mail Controls by
Can I simply have a VBA macro that does only the following from inside the
Outlook Inbox?:
Alt-a (for actions)
j (for junk mail)
b (to block...
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My VSTO 3.0 Outlook addin doesn’t load by
I'm trying to diagnose why my Outlook plugin written in C#/VSTO 3.0/VS 2008
doesn't load after being installed.
The plugin works awesomely on my...
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