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Exchange Empfängernamen auslesen by
Jörg Harnisch
Hallo NG,
ich suche schon geraume Zeit in NG's und über Google.
Leider fehlt mir der Ansatz. Ich möchte per vba die Namen der möglichen
Empfänger in...
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April 15th 09 01:05 AM
by PJFry
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Notify calendar of other users by
Gerry Verschuuren
I know how to notify my own Outlook calendar from Access through VBA. But is
it also possible to notify the calendar of other users on the same...
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Html text in Task Item by
I want to insert programmaticaly (vba) an html text in Body, but it doesn't
I can do it in the email body (with htmlbody), but i can not do it...
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719 |
find sender info by
Hi everybody,
I know how to get sender's name programatically but I don't know how to get
additional infor like (Office,department) , We use outlook...
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How do I search email attachments by
I would like to be able to search email attachments for a given text string.
Is this possilbe or would it require a macro? If a macro is required,...
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693 |
Error Trapping in Access 2002 by
I want to trap for "error 3201 - you cannot add or change a record". This
occurs when a transaction is being added to a table that captures all...
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Export Body to Excel by
Will someone please advise how to export the body of an email to Excel
The emails are system generated and therefore in a standard format.
Once in...
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List Click by
I want to put the contents of A1:N100 from an Excel Worksheet into a new
email. However I want set up the new email so that the contents of A1:N100...
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