October 23rd 08 10:33 AM
by Thomas
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UserProperties issue by
Craig Buchanan
I am trying to convert a MailItem to a ContactItem programatically and set
two user-defined properties. I do this by moving the MailItem to the...
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Move Instances of Recurring Meetings by
Orion Cochrane
I want to set up a meeting to occur on a certain date each month. If that
date is on a weekend, I want that instance moved to the Friday before. Can...
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מיכאל (מיקי) אבידן®
I was looking for a Comprehensive way to automatically change the
reminder-delay-duration of a pre-selected bunch of Calendar meetings.
I came...
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Hallo, by
I want to read the outlook calender.
With isRecurring I have problems.
There are monthly, dayly, first day from month...
and excetptions. for...
October 22nd 08 03:45 PM
by Thomas
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Trigger Outlook Contact by
Sheng Zhang
I don't know if this is the right place for my problem. I am actually
writing a TAPI driver
which enables dial a number directly from...
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Security Warning about stored email by
Hi all-
I am running Outlook 2003 on a WINXP machine, I am trying to add a
groupreply address to the "Have replies sent to" option. JP was able...
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.Find fails for .Outlook._Items by
Using VB.NET:
The last line of this code errors out. Any clues?
oApp = New Microsoft.Office.Interop.Outlook.Application()
oNS =...
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Attach a word.doc by
Have not done any thing with outlook befor. I believe there should be a way
to attach a word.doc to all e-mails in a outlook group. No problem...
October 18th 08 07:13 PM
by Curt
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Default Signature added by macro by
OK, the scoop on my systems I am using, all machines are running XP Pro with
Office 2003 and exchange server(not sure of what version).
What I am...
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unreplied mails in Outlook-2007 by
How I can be able to find all the unreplied mails at the end of the day (not
by manual check)??
Can I write any rule type of thing for it??
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Outlook form checkbox populate To field by
I have an outlook form with 5 checkbox and would like the checkbox to
populates the "to" field. Ex. If I check chk1 chk4 and chk5 then I
October 17th 08 08:40 PM
by archon
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contacts by
I have created a group in a sub folder os contacts. How do I get this folder
to show up in address book. When i click on it it shows empty.Do I need...
October 16th 08 09:57 PM
by Curt
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Have Replies Sent To: VBA code by
OK, the scoop on my systems I am using, all machines are running XP Pro with
Office 2003 and exchange server(not sure of what version).
What we...
October 16th 08 08:30 PM
by JP[_3_]
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Exchange 255 RPC Connection Limit by
We have a C# and C++ program that processes lots of Outlook Items, and we
have run into Exchange's 255 RPC connection limit in the past. We had...
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