September 2nd 08 11:40 PM
by dch3
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Rules as VBA by
Recently I moved to MS Exchange Server account on my Outlook 2003 and
I was surprised that there is a limit for the rules that I could have
active. I...
September 2nd 08 05:10 PM
by dch3
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Unavailable mailbox by
My addins (VB6, 2003 office) crash, when I search in unavailable mailbox.
What may I know, that the mailbox is unavailable for me?
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September 1st 08 08:29 AM
by leleole
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Send/Receive in Outlook by
IN my VB app, I can have users click on an email address and Outllook will
open (or Word will open as the email edtior for outlook), and the user...
September 1st 08 01:33 AM
by Delia
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Rules Wizard Script by
Henry Stockbridge
I have created a rule for incoming messages with attachments that
writes information to a text file about the date, sender, and
filename. The...
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1,244 |
Modifying the To, CC and BCC fields by
I am trying to write a VBA script that parses the above-mentioned fields and
removes certain groups based on user response. My code works up until...
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970 |
August 28th 08 09:45 PM
by dch3
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723 |
Watchdog App by
Does anyone have recommendations on an Outlook error watchdog application? We
write lots of Outlook add-ins with VSTO 2005 and we need to capture...
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792 |
Created setup.msi by
Hi! I need to change my add-ins. It don't install if old version exist on
computor. I change deployment property "RemovePreviosVersion=True" but it...
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714 |
resolve Conflicts programatically ? by
I need to resolve conflicting items programatically.
It means with the items I am 100percetly sure it does not matter which one
of them to pick up,...
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937 |
Setup.msi by
Hi! I need to change my add-ins. It doesn't install if old version exists on
computor. I change Deployment Property "RemovePreviosVersion=True". But...
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Outlook automation - import/create rules by
Marchi Giuseppe
Hi everyone,
i've the necessity to create some rules in outlook 2003 from a .NET custom
if is not possibile, can i import a .rwz file...
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