Forum: Outlook Express
April 24th 08, 07:20 AM Posted to
Replies: 13
Views: 752
Forum: Outlook Express
April 24th 08, 06:30 AM Posted to
Replies: 13
Views: 752
Forum: Outlook Express
April 24th 08, 06:15 AM Posted to
Replies: 13
Views: 752
Rules and ignoring certain posts
Opinicus wrote:
Also, what exactly does "Stop processing more rules" mean? I have
it on, on advice, but I don't know why I need it.
"Stop processing more rules" is a bit of a misnomer...
Forum: Outlook Express
April 14th 08, 06:06 AM Posted to
Replies: 13
Views: 752
Forum: Outlook Express
April 11th 08, 12:28 AM Posted to
Replies: 13
Views: 752
Rules and ignoring certain posts
VanguardLH wrote:
DavidW wrote:
I have rules to flag newsgroup posts from certain people as Ignore,
but I don't want responses to those posts ignored, which is what's
Forum: Outlook Express
April 10th 08, 06:48 AM Posted to
Replies: 13
Views: 752
Rules and ignoring certain posts
PA Bear [MS MVP] wrote:
A1.If you've "flagged" certain posters as Ignored via Message | Ignore
Conversation, WYSIWYG.
The rules don't give me a choice on that. What I get is "Mark the message as...
Forum: Outlook Express
April 10th 08, 01:49 AM Posted to
Replies: 13
Views: 752
Rules and ignoring certain posts
I have rules to flag newsgroup posts from certain people as Ignore, but I don't
want responses to those posts ignored, which is what's happening now. If an
ignored poster starts a thread,...
Forum: Outlook Express
February 28th 08, 04:05 AM Posted to
Replies: 2
Views: 302
Quoting, locating threads
Michael Santovec wrote:
1) The quote character () doesn't appear if the sender used
Quoted-printable, or HTML formatting
Quotation Mark Character May Not Be Used in a Reply
Forum: Outlook Express
February 28th 08, 01:03 AM Posted to
Replies: 2
Views: 302
Quoting, locating threads
Every version of OE that I know of has a big problem with quoting (i.e., putting
in the '' down the side). If the post being replied to is HTML or has a single
"funny" character anywhere,...