Forum: Outlook Express
October 26th 08, 08:50 PM Posted to
Replies: 3
Views: 246
Accessing Address Book
OE6 WinXP Home
I set up my OE6 on a new computer - no problems except with accessing the
address book.
I copied the old .PT.wab file to the folder C:\Docs & Settings | PT |
Application Data |...
Forum: Outlook Express
July 6th 08, 07:55 AM Posted to
Replies: 3
Views: 347
Problem exporting address book to csv file
I go through all the steps, name the file c:\addresses.csv, select the
fields and click to complete. OE simply says "error creating address
book" - no other explanation.
Any suggestions?
Forum: Outlook Express
April 3rd 08, 05:23 AM Posted to
Replies: 2
Views: 422
Dealing with embedded photo in email
Occasionally someone emails me a photo which is embedded in the body of the
message, rather than as an attachment.
Is there an easy way of extracting it as a JPG or other picture formatted...
Forum: Outlook Express
February 25th 08, 11:44 PM Posted to microsoft.public.internetexplorer.general,
Replies: 2
Views: 359
Font Size problem
Maybe this isn't the correct group, but...
I just upgraded IE6 to IE7 (WinXP Home)
Apparently, due to a bug in IE7, if you don't use "Large Icons" IE7 will
only the default "e" icon for all...
Forum: Outlook Express
February 1st 08, 05:50 PM Posted to microsoft.public.internetexplorer.general,
Replies: 2
Views: 368
IE7 Script Error
Occasionally, when I open an OE mail message, I get the following dialog
Internet Explorer Script Error
An error has occurred in the script on this...
Forum: Outlook Express
January 18th 08, 04:00 AM Posted to microsoft.public.internetexplorer.general,
Replies: 11
Views: 588
Forum: Outlook Express
January 17th 08, 10:19 PM Posted to microsoft.public.internetexplorer.general,
Replies: 11
Views: 588
Forum: Outlook Express
January 17th 08, 05:53 AM Posted to microsoft.public.internetexplorer.general,
Replies: 11
Views: 588
Problem opening an Adobe PDF from the web
Two computers - one computer uses IE7, the other uses IE6 When I click on a
web link to a PDF file I get different results:
On the IE7 computer, the PDF opens normally in Adobe Acrobat 81.
Forum: Outlook Express
November 10th 07, 11:26 PM Posted to
Replies: 5
Views: 667
File|Save As Options - Changing
When I save an OE Message, the File|SaveAs dialog box lists these options:
Recent, Desktop, MyDocs, My Computer, My Network
On the other hand, when I run File|SaveAs in either Word or Excel 2003, I...
Forum: Outlook Express
October 11th 07, 04:42 AM Posted to
Replies: 5
Views: 667
File|Save As Options - Changing
OK, but in the case of Excel and Word, the selected folder is PERMANENTLY
added to the vertical ribbon along the left edge of the SaveAs dialog box.
In the case of OE, it's not, and the location...
Forum: Outlook Express
October 2nd 07, 01:37 AM Posted to,microsoft.public.windowsxp.basics,microsoft.public.windowsxp.general,microsoft.public.windowsxp.help_and_support,microsoft.public.windowsxp.newusers
Replies: 2
Views: 447
Internet Settings - Multiple users
I have a computer which uses WinXP Home and IE6, and is configured for two
users. There's a DSL router, but no other firewall.
The main user's internet connections work fine. But the secondary...
Forum: Outlook Express
September 26th 07, 03:21 AM Posted to
Replies: 2
Views: 376
Backing up OE Mail files
I assume the OE 6 Win XP Home email messages are stored in the following
Docs & Settings | Owner | Local Settings | Application Data | Identities |
{Gibberish} | Microsoft | Outlook...
Forum: Outlook Express
July 22nd 07, 10:28 PM Posted to
Replies: 1
Views: 442
Message Rule Question
Lately, every day I get an email whose address is from a different bogus
sender. the subject is blank, as is the message body. Each contains a pdf
attachment which is a stock pump and dump...
Forum: Outlook Express
June 10th 07, 01:24 AM Posted to
Replies: 2
Views: 437
Address Book Display
When I open my address book, it displays column (in order) as Name, Business
Phone, and Home Phone. I have almost none of my contacts listing business
phones, and nearly all listing home phones,...
Forum: Outlook Express
June 7th 07, 03:57 AM Posted to
Replies: 4
Views: 431
Archiving Emails
I've accumulated a large number of old emails, sorted into a tree of folders
and subfolders. I'd like to retain their contents outside of OE6,
preferably in a similar nested set of folders...
Forum: Outlook Express
April 29th 07, 06:57 AM Posted to
Replies: 2
Views: 412
Suddenly Not Printing
Truly wird. I discovered that the problem is limited to a specific email
message. And with respect to that message, I could print a selection, but
not the entire message. Anyhow, I'm relieved. ...
Forum: Outlook Express
April 29th 07, 04:21 AM Posted to
Replies: 2
Views: 412
Suddenly Not Printing
For no apparent reason, I suddenly cannot print an OE6 message. Printer
works fine from other programs including IE6.
Clue??? When I click File | Print, highlight my default printer, (identified...
Forum: Outlook Express
April 12th 07, 04:39 AM Posted to
Replies: 1
Views: 293
Printer Expands Fonts - 2
On closer examination, the headers (From, To: etc.. ) all print normally.
Only the message body is blown up.
Forum: Outlook Express
April 12th 07, 04:36 AM Posted to
Replies: 1
Views: 356
Printer Expands Fonts
My wife and I share an HP LaserJet 3030 - until now no problems. For some
reason, today, while my OE prints emails normally, hers prints the same
emails in a much larger font. We compared all the...
Forum: Outlook Express
March 31st 07, 08:20 AM Posted to
Replies: 1
Views: 321
OE - Sending Attachments
For some reason, if i send an email with a link as an attachment, OE at the
recipient end rejects it as an unsafe attachement. It doesn't do so with
other file types: Word, Excel, etc. The...
Forum: Outlook Express
March 3rd 07, 10:51 PM Posted to
Replies: 4
Views: 474
Signature Font
It's a little more complicated. My mail setting is for HTML. And when I
create a new message, my default signature pops up in the desired Arial 12
font. But when I reply to a message, my...
Forum: Outlook Express
March 3rd 07, 09:36 PM Posted to
Replies: 4
Views: 474
Signature Font
My default signature files (news and mail) come out in Times Roman 12. I'd
like to change them to a different font, and can't find the setting screen.
Please advise.
Forum: Outlook Express
January 17th 07, 04:21 AM Posted to
Replies: 3
Views: 425
Copy To Folder Icon
I frequently like to copy selected Usenet messages to an appropriate folder
in my OE Local Folder tree. I use the command File | Copy to Folder - works
fine, but
Is there a way to put this...
Forum: Outlook Express
December 18th 06, 11:56 PM Posted to
Replies: 2
Views: 423
Folder Backup Question
I did something - not sure what. I now have copies of all my numerous email
folders sitting in the recycle bin, with .bak extensions. The originals
seem to be unaffected, as I an access them all...
Forum: Outlook Express
November 16th 06, 05:12 AM Posted to
Replies: 3
Views: 463
Transferring Messages
For the past month, while out of town, I've received and saved in my OE6
inbox a variety of emails on my notebook. When I return home, I'd like to
move or copy these messages to the OE6 on my home...