Forum: Outlook - General Queries
January 14th 10, 03:58 PM Posted to microsoft.public.outlook
Replies: 18
Views: 2,051
Phone Number Display
Is there a "find and replace" option for the contact list? sure would make
the task easier than hving to go into each of the 700+ entries to add
"Diane Poremsky [MVP]"...
Forum: Outlook - General Queries
January 13th 10, 07:58 AM Posted to microsoft.public.outlook
Replies: 18
Views: 2,051
Phone Number Display
Great idea ! Thanks.
"Diane Poremsky [MVP]" wrote in message
Use a table view (like by categories) with in-cell...
Forum: Outlook - General Queries
January 11th 10, 04:36 PM Posted to microsoft.public.outlook
Replies: 18
Views: 2,051
Phone Number Display
"Diane Poremsky [MVP]" wrote in message
To confirm - the phone number is not correctly formatted ( in...
Forum: Outlook - General Queries
January 9th 10, 05:39 AM Posted to microsoft.public.outlook
Replies: 18
Views: 2,051
Phone Number Display
United States 818 and yes, I do have to remove the +1
"Diane Poremsky [MVP]" wrote in message
Adding the 1 in front after...
Forum: Outlook - General Queries
January 8th 10, 03:48 PM Posted to microsoft.public.outlook
Replies: 18
Views: 2,051
Phone Number Display
No, but when the Check Phone Number box appears the area code is in the
right place, as is the phone number....then, when I close the box, the phone
number appears correctly except that it has a +1...
Forum: Outlook - General Queries
January 8th 10, 04:55 AM Posted to microsoft.public.outlook
Replies: 18
Views: 2,051
Phone Number Display
Finally had a chance to check the control panel. NOTHING looks different in
the dialing properties. Any other clues as to why/how my contact phone
numbers are changing?
"Diane Poremsky [MVP]"...
Forum: Outlook - General Queries
December 25th 09, 01:32 AM Posted to microsoft.public.outlook
Replies: 18
Views: 2,051
Phone Number Display
Not that I'm aware of.....unless it did something all by itself !
"Diane Poremsky [MVP]" wrote in message
did you...
Forum: Outlook - General Queries
December 23rd 09, 05:03 PM Posted to microsoft.public.outlook
Replies: 18
Views: 2,051
Phone Number Display
Using Outlook 2007 on Windows XP Pro computer. Something quite odd has
happened. Suddenly, all of the telephone numbers in my contact list are one
long number (xxxxxxxxxx) rather than the area code...
Forum: Outlook - Using Contacts
December 23rd 09, 03:31 AM Posted to microsoft.public.outlook.contacts
Replies: 5
Views: 1,757
Outlook 2007 Phone Numbers
Winodows XP Pro
"Russ Valentine" wrote in message
How should I know? You haven't told us what OS you're using.
Forum: Outlook - General Queries
August 11th 09, 03:52 PM Posted to microsoft.public.outlook
Replies: 6
Views: 807
Forum: Outlook - General Queries
August 11th 09, 05:58 AM Posted to microsoft.public.outlook
Replies: 5
Views: 933
Hide email addresses when sending to a group
Send as bcc. No one will see the other names or addresses. Also, if they're
listed in your contacts, there should be an option to "display name as".
Just make sure the email address isn't...
Forum: Outlook - General Queries
August 6th 09, 07:59 AM Posted to microsoft.public.outlook
Replies: 2
Views: 534
Add Contact List
Too easy! Thanks. Boy, setting up a new computer is hell !
"Vince Averello" wrote in message
Right click on the folder,...
Forum: Outlook - General Queries
August 5th 09, 05:13 AM Posted to microsoft.public.outlook
Replies: 2
Views: 534
Add Contact List
In my Outlook 2007 contacts I have a "sub-list" called HOA, but when I click
on "To" to send a message and the contact list comes up, the HOA list does
not appear as an option. How can I add it to...
Forum: Outlook - General Queries
July 2nd 09, 04:41 PM Posted to microsoft.public.outlook
Replies: 6
Views: 477
Print folder
THAT DID IT ! Thanks. Now I just have to go through the entire 350+ emails
and delete the repeats (when replying, sometimes there are 4 or 5 .... or
more .... emails behind the...
Forum: Outlook - General Queries
July 2nd 09, 07:01 AM Posted to microsoft.public.outlook
Replies: 6
Views: 477
Print folder
Outlook 2007 - Windows XP
I want to print them to a "file", not hard copies. There are 350 of them. I
want to be able to delete the extra information contained in each one
(recapped prior emails...
Forum: Outlook - General Queries
July 2nd 09, 04:35 AM Posted to microsoft.public.outlook
Replies: 6
Views: 477
Print folder
Is there a way to print all of the messages in an Inbox folder ?
Forum: Outlook - General Queries
April 23rd 09, 07:14 AM Posted to microsoft.public.outlook
Replies: 14
Views: 1,002
Calendar Error
Been there, done that. No help.
Thanks again for your assitance on the Outlook issue.
"Nikki Peterson" wrote in message...
Forum: Outlook - General Queries
April 22nd 09, 04:22 PM Posted to microsoft.public.outlook
Replies: 14
Views: 1,002
Calendar Error
Yes, several times, but no errors were found !
"Diane Poremsky [MVP]" wrote in message
Did you ever try Office Diagnostics?
Forum: Outlook - General Queries
April 22nd 09, 04:20 AM Posted to microsoft.public.outlook
Replies: 14
Views: 1,002
Calendar Error
Not that I know of.
"Nikki Peterson" wrote in message
In your 1st message you state, "Did some file get deleted that...
Forum: Outlook - General Queries
April 21st 09, 04:53 PM Posted to microsoft.public.outlook
Replies: 14
Views: 1,002
Calendar Error
That didn't work either.....but it did change my view from "don't show in
groups" back to "show in groups" !
"Nikki Peterson" wrote in message...
Forum: Outlook - General Queries
April 21st 09, 04:14 AM Posted to microsoft.public.outlook
Replies: 7
Views: 603
Outlook help please!
I would think you could create a GROUP in your contacts that would be all of
the school districts' email addresses, create a single email, and then opt
to delay send by going to Tools...
Forum: Outlook - General Queries
April 21st 09, 04:10 AM Posted to microsoft.public.outlook
Replies: 14
Views: 1,002
Calendar Error
Tried it. Didn't work. Any other ideas ?
"Nikki Peterson" wrote in message
First I would try the ".../CleanReminders"...
Forum: Outlook - General Queries
April 19th 09, 02:21 AM Posted to microsoft.public.outlook
Replies: 14
Views: 1,002
Calendar Error
Outlook 2007 - When it loads, I get a "balloon" in the lower right corner
that says: There was a problem reading one or more of your reminders. Some
reminders may not appear." and when I open the...
Forum: Outlook - General Queries
March 27th 09, 05:20 AM Posted to microsoft.public.outlook
Replies: 2
Views: 516
To Do List Miissing ?
When I open Outlook (2007), I get a dialogue box that says "There was a
problem reading one or more of your reminders. Some reminders may not
appear." Additionally, when I click on Tasks, and then...
Forum: Outlook - General Queries
March 22nd 09, 07:14 PM Posted to microsoft.public.outlook
Replies: 5
Views: 827
Hosted Exchange
I did send them an email. Wish me luck !
"Diane Poremsky [MVP]" wrote in message
No, the EMC is on the server. If you don't...