Forum: Outlook Express
March 25th 08, 06:10 PM Posted to
Replies: 10
Views: 757
Where are OE's settings stored?
Bruce, I know the actual dbx files are not living in the registry! I know
where they reside. I back mine up every day. That's not what I'm asking.
I have changed my store folder to...
Forum: Outlook Express
March 25th 08, 04:50 PM Posted to
Replies: 10
Views: 757
Where are OE's settings stored?
I know! But, what about the registry? Is it possible some programs encrypt
their plain-text entries, so a simple path name becomes unrecognizable?
"Bruce Hagen" wrote in...
Forum: Outlook Express
March 25th 08, 04:27 PM Posted to
Replies: 10
Views: 757
Where are OE's settings stored?
I know how to find the path using the options dialog. I'm wondering what
would happen if, for some reason, I *had* to use a back door method (other
than Explorer) to locate the message store...
Forum: Outlook Express
March 25th 08, 03:55 PM Posted to
Replies: 10
Views: 757
Where are OE's settings stored?
At my home office, a user's computer began making odd noises which turned
out to be the hard disk in the throes of death. Our tech consultant managed
to salvage quite a bit, but they can't find his...
Forum: Outlook Express
January 11th 08, 09:24 PM Posted to
Replies: 5
Views: 302
Forum: Outlook Express
January 11th 08, 09:07 PM Posted to
Replies: 5
Views: 302
Email response formatting
Your CD drawer doubles as a beer tap. Place large glass on the drawer and
hit CTRL-LeftShift-ALT-Spacebar-~^~^-B to dispense beer. Use lower case "b"
for light beer. Put it on my...
Forum: Outlook Express
January 11th 08, 08:40 PM Posted to
Replies: 5
Views: 302
Email response formatting
This is not a new behavior with OE 6, just a question I've been meaning to
ask forever. When I respond to most email messages, OE puts a long vertical
line next to the original quoted text. If I...
Forum: Outlook Express
January 9th 08, 02:17 AM Posted to
Replies: 3
Views: 225
New, odd problem with quoting messages
Thanks, Bruce. Is that the type of setting that someone might sort of trip
over, rather than consciously set it that way for a good reason?
"Bruce Hagen" wrote in message...
Forum: Outlook Express
January 9th 08, 01:54 AM Posted to
Replies: 9
Views: 338
"jch" wrote in message
Is there a way to make newsgroup folders? I don't readily see that. Many
newsgroups have related...
Forum: Outlook Express
January 9th 08, 12:11 AM Posted to
Replies: 3
Views: 225
New, odd problem with quoting messages
Recently, I'm running across a lot of messages which, when I respond to
them, don't end up with the usual arrows next to the previous user's text.
This is after years of never having such a...
Forum: Outlook Express
January 9th 08, 12:08 AM Posted to
Replies: 3
Views: 519
OE Version and a question
"jch" wrote in message
Is there a newer version of OE than 6? On this particular laptop I'm
running XP Home. Also, I've...
Forum: Outlook Express
January 9th 08, 12:03 AM Posted to
Replies: 3
Views: 519
OE Version and a question
"jch" wrote in message
Is there a newer version of OE than 6? On this particular laptop I'm
running XP Home. Also, I've...
Forum: Outlook Express
November 28th 07, 11:47 PM Posted to
Replies: 1
Views: 285
IE 7 still a headache?
In the weeks after IE7 became available, I recall reading lots of reports of
misery from users who installed it. Can anyone fill me in about what the
horror show was about, and whether improvements...
Forum: Outlook Express
August 18th 07, 02:02 AM Posted to
Replies: 5
Views: 501
Address book mess
I already turned off sharing, so I'm seeing the OLD version of the wab file.
When I import the csv, will it totally replace all the old data, or add to
it? In other words, should I delete all...
Forum: Outlook Express
August 18th 07, 01:22 AM Posted to
Replies: 5
Views: 501
Address book mess
I normally run OE6, but about 2 weeks back, I had to start Outlook 2000 for
the first time so I could see what a remote user was looking at. Apparently,
I allowed contact sharing without...
Forum: Outlook Express
February 27th 07, 12:24 AM Posted to
Replies: 10
Views: 791
How Do You Clear Text In Outlook Express
OK. I was just curious. On regular keyboard, any excuse for not using the
Delete key should result in someone getting pantsed and thrown in an icy
lake. Laptops can be more problematic, since their...
Forum: Outlook Express
February 26th 07, 09:52 PM Posted to
Replies: 10
Views: 791
Forum: Outlook Express
February 26th 07, 05:36 PM Posted to
Replies: 11
Views: 1,130
Bad day today?
"Bruce Hagen" wrote in message
You're welcome. Got any *virtual* Scotch?
Bruce Hagen
Forum: Outlook Express
February 26th 07, 04:53 PM Posted to
Replies: 11
Views: 1,130
You just won 5000 virtual beers.* Your reply reminded me that ZoneAlarm Pro
has an option which cleans various caches. "Clean Recycle Bin" was an
option, and has been shut off. Thanks!
Forum: Outlook Express
February 26th 07, 04:23 PM Posted to
Replies: 11
Views: 1,130
"Bruce Hagen" wrote in message
This is due to a recent OE update, (KB923694). Now when you compact, a
copy of your dbx...
Forum: Outlook Express
February 26th 07, 04:20 PM Posted to
Replies: 10
Views: 791
Forum: Outlook Express
February 26th 07, 12:12 AM Posted to
Replies: 10
Views: 947
Vanishing address book
Correct - the Outlook contact list is empty. Or, was. Via OE, I added one
contact, shut down OE, and started Outlook, and found that one contact. (A
confirmation experiment).
"Michael Santovec"...
Forum: Outlook Express
February 25th 07, 11:00 PM Posted to
Replies: 10
Views: 947
Vanishing address book
Interesting registry change, but here's the issue: The ONLY reason I started
up Outlook was to assist a remote user. I needed to see what he's seeing.
After that's done, I won't be using it. I...
Forum: Outlook Express
February 24th 07, 11:31 PM Posted to
Replies: 10
Views: 947
Vanishing address book
Thanks, Michael. I'll file this.
At the moment, I'm wondering what would happen if I manually set my .wab
file to read only, until the end of next week when my need to start Outlook
will be gone...
Forum: Outlook Express
February 24th 07, 11:29 PM Posted to
Replies: 10
Views: 1,508