Forum: Outlook Express
October 29th 06, 08:46 PM Posted to microsoft.public.internetexplorer.general,,,,
Replies: 10
Views: 730
Starting IE and Outlook Express
I meant Windows Live OneCare. Its in the stores in box form. Wouldn't it
work with Windows XP better than McAfee? Thanks
"Frank Saunders, MS-MVP OE/WM" wrote in message...
Forum: Outlook Express
October 28th 06, 11:36 PM Posted to microsoft.public.internetexplorer.general,,,,
Replies: 10
Views: 730
Starting IE and Outlook Express
I see Wal-Mart has a box version of Windows Live 8-1. Is this all final
versions, not Beta?
Can I uninstall McAfee, thru Add or Remove Programs, completely and then
install Windows Live. My...
Forum: Outlook Express
October 28th 06, 10:32 PM Posted to microsoft.public.internetexplorer.general,,,,
Replies: 10
Views: 730
Starting IE and Outlook Express
Are you saying that Windows Defender and/or McAfee is slowing down my
responce time, when I try to start Microsoft IE and Microsoft Outlook
Express? And should I remove it. I see Windows ahve a...
Forum: Outlook Express
October 28th 06, 02:16 AM Posted to microsoft.public.internetexplorer.general,,,,
Replies: 10
Views: 730
Starting IE and Outlook Express
For several months now, when I click on the Microsoft Internet Explorer or
Microsoft Outlook Express icons down on the lower bar next to the start
button, it takes approx. 5 minutes before they...
Forum: Outlook Express
June 23rd 06, 09:06 PM Posted to,
Replies: 11
Views: 780
Forum: Outlook Express
June 23rd 06, 03:41 PM Posted to,
Replies: 11
Views: 780
Starting OutlookExpress or Explorer6
I only have 5 messages in my OE folder and my wife doesn't have any. I store
my messages I want to keep in a subfolder I made.
I did what the first message said about removing the two files of...
Forum: Outlook Express
June 23rd 06, 03:08 PM Posted to,
Replies: 11
Views: 780
Starting OutlookExpress or Explorer6
I done a serch for the file Imagehlp.dll and found two. One in
C:\Windows\System32 and one in C:\Windows\ServicepackFiles\i386
They were both modified 8/4/2004
"Ron Sommer"...
Forum: Outlook Express
June 23rd 06, 02:35 PM Posted to,
Replies: 11
Views: 780
Forum: Outlook Express
June 23rd 06, 02:28 PM Posted to,
Replies: 11
Views: 780
Forum: Outlook Express
June 23rd 06, 01:38 PM Posted to,
Replies: 11
Views: 780
Starting OutlookExpress or Explorer6
I have an icon down on my bottom bar to the left next to the start button.
When I click to start IE or OutlookExpress it will take from 30 seconds to
maybe two minutes to start to bring them up on...