Forum: Outlook Express
May 25th 07, 10:52 PM Posted to
Replies: 7
Views: 507
edititg the registery to reflect store changes
Ah. I did thatin revese order. Next time I'll do it that way. Thanks a
....winston wrote:
: Marie,
: I was only addressing the issue of OE not being able to perform this
Forum: Outlook Express
May 25th 07, 08:19 PM Posted to
Replies: 7
Views: 507
edititg the registery to reflect store changes
Acutally I managed twice to import my rules frrom the registery by editing
it so it matches the new identity, but what if I did change tha tpath to
P:\OE or soemthing, do I have to find the new...
Forum: Outlook Express
May 25th 07, 12:32 AM Posted to
Replies: 7
Views: 507
edititg the registery to reflect store changes
Hello. i created an new identity and changed it's location to I'll make up
a path righ tnow
How do I edit the registery to reflect that change instead of that long
number so it can import...
Forum: Outlook Express
May 21st 07, 07:50 AM Posted to
Replies: 3
Views: 341
unable to fwd as attachments
Bruce Hagen wrote:
: What folder are the messages in? Some, like Drafts, that option is
: grayed out. Other folders, like Inbox, it isn't. Try a new identity
: and see if that helps.
: Judging...
Forum: Outlook Express
May 21st 07, 04:20 AM Posted to
Replies: 3
Views: 341
unable to fwd as attachments
Hello there. I've got another odd problem. i selected some messages and
to the message menu and tried to choose forward as attachment but for some
reason the option is grayed out. It seems...
Forum: Outlook Express
May 10th 07, 08:12 PM Posted to
Replies: 12
Views: 773
un able to do a compact all in OE6
I've got an antivirus program and I use it. I also use 2 spyware watching
programs. I'll do a scann before i do that. I might take the comp in as a
last resort if it comes to that.
PA Bear...
Forum: Outlook Express
May 10th 07, 06:40 AM Posted to
Replies: 12
Views: 773
un able to do a compact all in OE6
Well, Using narator didn't help. it stil tokd me the same message. so it's
not my screen reader. I might just bite the bullet and reformat at some poit
and see if it goes away. Or find a way to...
Forum: Outlook Express
May 10th 07, 02:17 AM Posted to
Replies: 12
Views: 773
un able to do a compact all in OE6
I don't think it's my screen reader. it just tells me what's there. I cold
try it with *gulp* narator and see what happens. Maybe it can give me a clue
ass to what's happeneng.
PA Bear...
Forum: Outlook Express
May 9th 07, 10:23 PM Posted to
Replies: 12
Views: 773
un able to do a compact all in OE6
That's what I was thinking. I don't have the time or a pair of eyes right
now to reformat the system, but that's what i'm thinking I need to do.
Ken wrote:
: Hello Marrie,
: From the result of...
Forum: Outlook Express
May 9th 07, 09:12 PM Posted to
Replies: 12
Views: 773
un able to do a compact all in OE6
This is a follow up thread as I'm haivn tproblems sending witht e continuing
thread. Hear is what we did so far.
1. creat a new identity. i called it test for now.
2. do a compact all with no...
Forum: Outlook Express
May 9th 07, 09:06 PM Posted to
Replies: 9
Views: 705
can't post a message
Well aparently this one went through even though I got the error on this
new thread as well.
Ken wrote:
: Start a new thread.
: I received the same message.
: Ken
Forum: Outlook Express
May 9th 07, 08:52 PM Posted to
Replies: 9
Views: 705
can't post a message
Hello. I'm tring to post a reply to a news message and it looks like it is
going to go through when I get this.
Outlook Express could not post your message. Subject ' unable to compact
Forum: Outlook Express
May 9th 07, 08:20 PM Posted to
Replies: 69
Views: 3,117
unable to compact all folders in OE
the odd thing is the compact went fine until my last inport then things
started going haywire. Each time I get the message now it's for a different
folder. I first deleated the problimatic folder...
Forum: Outlook Express
May 9th 07, 07:49 PM Posted to
Replies: 69
Views: 3,117
Forum: Outlook Express
May 9th 07, 07:19 PM Posted to
Replies: 69
Views: 3,117
unable to compact all folders in OE
Ok.I found one of hte folders, I think. I can't drag the banner thing out of
rhe way as my screen reader won't let me find it, but it says the same
message and it was in one of my friends folders....
Forum: Outlook Express
May 9th 07, 07:11 PM Posted to
Replies: 69
Views: 3,117
unable to compact all folders in OE
Ok. so far so good but for some reason I can't click the radio botton to
import from an identity. it is grayed out so I have to browse all the time
for the problem identity.
Forum: Outlook Express
May 9th 07, 06:53 PM Posted to
Replies: 69
Views: 3,117
unable to compact all folders in OE
and id there are sub folders underneath lets say my misc or friends folders?
still 5 at a time?
Ken wrote:
: Yes it did.
: Great.
: Now lets try importing just a few folders at a...
Forum: Outlook Express
May 9th 07, 05:29 PM Posted to
Replies: 69
Views: 3,117
Forum: Outlook Express
May 9th 07, 01:58 AM Posted to
Replies: 69
Views: 3,117
unable to compact all folders in OE
Ok. I tried deleating the folders.dbx file and tried compacting again but
with the same results. This is with a new identity I made about a week ago.
I really don't want to compact all 101 or so...
Forum: Outlook Express
May 8th 07, 08:17 PM Posted to
Replies: 69
Views: 3,117
unable to compact all folders in OE
The folders,dbsx is about 713 kb in size. I don't have a search.dbx at
all. The only news account I have is the news account.
The total size of all dbx files is about 410...
Forum: Outlook Express
May 7th 07, 06:24 PM Posted to
Replies: 69
Views: 3,117
unable to compact all folders in OE
The message when it does appear is vegue. it only says that the folder is
in use by OE or anotehr program. the "other program" doesn't make sence to
me at all. and the message only appears when I...
Forum: Outlook Express
May 7th 07, 06:22 PM Posted to
Replies: 69
Views: 3,117
unable to compact all folders in OE
Yes I am. I do that every time. Actually when I scrol to the top, I can't
for some reason access any menu bars, but that's a different problem wich is
proably an OS fluke.
Ron Sommer wrote:
Forum: Outlook Express
May 7th 07, 06:21 PM Posted to
Replies: 69
Views: 3,117
unable to compact all folders in OE
O no I wait, but the stupid message still appears when I hit alt+f, f, f.
verses alt+f, f, c to compact by hand all 101 folders.
Bruce Hagen wrote:
: 101 folders? I don't have enough friends to...
Forum: Outlook Express
May 7th 07, 09:03 AM Posted to
Replies: 69
Views: 3,117
unable to compact all folders in OE
oddley enough none of them gave me the error message. I did del a lot fo
messages i did not need and recompace the folders by hand one at a time
thugh. so, if I can compact all 101 folders...
Forum: Outlook Express
May 7th 07, 08:46 AM Posted to
Replies: 9
Views: 669