Forum: Outlook - General Queries
September 26th 07, 08:32 PM Posted to microsoft.public.outlook,microsoft.public.outlook.general
Replies: 3
Views: 1,373
Shortcut for editing a calendar series
Hi Judy:
Thanks for your note.
Sorry, I should have been clearer. I have a calendar with many daily events
(approximately 49 events) that recur every week on the same day.
Occasionally all of...
Forum: Outlook - General Queries
September 25th 07, 11:48 PM Posted to microsoft.public.outlook,microsoft.public.outlook.general
Replies: 3
Views: 1,373
Help: Shortcut for editing a calendar series
When I want to edit an entire series of calendar events, I have to go
through the annoying 'do you want to edit this occurrence or the entire
series' dialog. Does anyone know if there is a...
Forum: Outlook - General Queries
August 14th 07, 10:03 PM Posted to microsoft.public.outlook
Replies: 2
Views: 412
Help OL 2007 - deleting appointments
Hi Milly:
Thanks for your note. I'm the organizer in all cases. but in some cases I
can delete without sending an update and in other cases I can't. This can
happen to recurring and non recurring...
Forum: Outlook - General Queries
August 10th 07, 05:07 PM Posted to microsoft.public.outlook
Replies: 2
Views: 412
Help OL 2007 - deleting appointments
Does any know how to delete appointments in OL 2007 without having to send
an update? Some appointments I can delete with the option of not sending an
update, and other's I can't - I can only...
Forum: Outlook - General Queries
August 3rd 07, 08:44 AM Posted to microsoft.public.outlook
Replies: 5
Views: 390
vista/outlook question
What's the "Vista calendar"?
"Diane Poremsky" wrote in message
outlook 2003 will work just fine on Vista. Older...
Forum: Outlook - General Queries
August 2nd 07, 10:49 PM Posted to microsoft.public.outlook
Replies: 1
Views: 471
Forum: Outlook - General Queries
June 27th 07, 09:26 PM Posted to microsoft.public.outlook,microsoft.public.outlook.general
Replies: 0
Views: 373
Help: OL 2007 Deleting group Calendar events
Anybody know how to delete a group event from my calendar without sending a
cancellation? The all previous versions of Outlook would prompt me about
sending an update - I could choose to delete...
Forum: Outlook - General Queries
May 28th 07, 08:45 PM Posted to microsoft.public.outlook
Replies: 0
Views: 397
Forum: Outlook - General Queries
May 24th 07, 01:52 AM Posted to microsoft.public.outlook
Replies: 1
Views: 324
More flakeyness with OL 2007
I'm still looking for any advice with this if anyone has any suggestions.
It's driving me nuts, particularly because there's doesn't seem to be any
rhyme or reason to when it happens; it happens on...
Forum: Outlook - General Queries
May 11th 07, 08:40 PM Posted to microsoft.public.outlook
Replies: 2
Views: 559
Help OL 2007 and RSS feeds
Still looking for help with this issue. Any suggestions?
"Vulcan" wrote in message
Wow, this mysteriously starting working...
Forum: Outlook - General Queries
May 9th 07, 11:59 PM Posted to microsoft.public.outlook
Replies: 2
Views: 559
Help OL 2007 and RSS feeds
Wow, this mysteriously starting working again for a couple of hours this
morning, then, just as mysteriously, stopped working again - no changes to
the OS or an other application.
Forum: Outlook - General Queries
May 9th 07, 06:47 PM Posted to microsoft.public.outlook
Replies: 0
Views: 828
Help - how do I delete orphan calendar events?
Hoping that someone can help with this.
I have some, at least on, orphan calendar event in my Outlook calendar. By
'orphan' I mean and event that I deleted a long time ago and which isn't in
Forum: Outlook - General Queries
May 1st 07, 09:33 PM Posted to microsoft.public.outlook
Replies: 8
Views: 554
Forum: Outlook - General Queries
May 1st 07, 09:26 PM Posted to microsoft.public.outlook
Replies: 8
Views: 554
Outlook 2007 can't open .pst file
Hi Russ:
Thanks for your response. I've done a search for scanpst.exe on my computer
and it comes up as file not found. Is it not loaded by default? If it is,
can you provide the path? Let me...
Forum: Outlook - General Queries
April 30th 07, 06:48 PM Posted to microsoft.public.outlook
Replies: 8
Views: 554
Help: Outlook 2007 can't open .pst file
I'm trying to open some .pst files that I created in OL 2003. I get a
message the the file is corrupt (even though is still opens fine in 2003)
and that I should run scanpst.exe - which as far as...
Forum: Outlook - General Queries
April 27th 07, 10:28 PM Posted to microsoft.public.outlook
Replies: 2
Views: 559
Help OL 2007 and RSS feeds
Hope that someone can offer some advice on this....
I am using OL 2007 to check some RSS Feeds. I have all the various RSS Feed
set to: "Automatically download Enclosures for this feed" and...
Forum: Outlook - General Queries
April 25th 07, 02:46 AM Posted to microsoft.public.outlook
Replies: 2
Views: 390
Forum: Outlook - General Queries
April 20th 07, 12:53 AM Posted to microsoft.public.outlook
Replies: 14
Views: 1,016
Outlook 2007 Recurring appointments
Another update....
This is a really annoying problem! I've just discovered that pasting
something into a calendar event from a text only email will also cause all
the contents of the calendar...
Forum: Outlook - General Queries
April 19th 07, 02:40 AM Posted to microsoft.public.outlook
Replies: 14
Views: 1,016
Outlook 2007 Recurring appointments
Hi Ben:
Yes, that was the first thing I tried. If I paste something from word to
note pad, save the note, then select and paste to the calendar, then it
"Ben M. Schorr, MVP"...
Forum: Outlook - General Queries
April 17th 07, 02:02 AM Posted to microsoft.public.outlook
Replies: 1
Views: 324
More flakeyness with OL 2007
Hoping that someone can help with yet another calendar problem with Outlook
Often, but not always, I open a single occurrence of a recurring event and
make a change to the contents, when I...
Forum: Outlook - General Queries
April 12th 07, 07:34 PM Posted to microsoft.public.outlook
Replies: 14
Views: 1,016
Outlook 2007 Recurring appointments
More updates:
The problem seems to occur when I paste from MS word into an event - haven't
tried pasting from everything of course, but when I cut and past from a word
doc (2007), that's when...
Forum: Outlook - General Queries
April 12th 07, 07:29 PM Posted to microsoft.public.outlook
Replies: 14
Views: 1,016
Outlook 2007 Recurring appointments
Update on this issue:
I can add text (by typing) to an event and save it and the changes stick.
The problem seems to occur when I past something into an event.
"Ben M. Schorr, MVP"...
Forum: Outlook - General Queries
April 12th 07, 07:26 PM Posted to microsoft.public.outlook
Replies: 14
Views: 1,016
Outlook 2007 Recurring appointments
Hi Brian.
Not sure of what to make of your comment. The only options of modifying an
event that I know of is either modifying the series or modifying a unique
occurrence. Is that what you...
Forum: Outlook - General Queries
April 10th 07, 10:10 PM Posted to,microsoft.public.outlook,microsoft.public.outlook.general
Replies: 0
Views: 399
Help with Deleting Calendar Events
After recently upgrading from Outlook 2003 to 2007 I've noticed that I no
longer have the option of deleting an appointment and not sending an update
to others that are involved in the...
Forum: Outlook - General Queries
April 10th 07, 10:02 PM Posted to microsoft.public.outlook
Replies: 14
Views: 1,016
Outlook 2007 Recurring appointments
This gets even weirder!
I have a recurring event into which I've inserted some conferencing
telephone dial up numbers.
If I edit a single occurrence of the event, and delete the conference...