Forum: Outlook Express
February 25th 09, 05:52 PM Posted to
Replies: 4
Views: 336
scam email
i just received an email addressed from one of my friends and signed by his
it's the first time i have received one of these.
it's a scam email asking me to respond so they can give...
Forum: Outlook Express
January 4th 09, 09:00 PM Posted to
Replies: 9
Views: 448
sizing onscreen photos
thanks again, you have helped me before.
i tested this and sent an email to myself. the photos are very clear and
sized properly in the email body.
but, when i click on each jpg attachment,...
Forum: Outlook Express
January 2nd 09, 07:35 PM Posted to
Replies: 9
Views: 448
sizing onscreen photos
i forgot to mention, i will accessing my pictures to get the pix. thank you.
"PA Bear [MS MVP]" wrote:
Windows version?
marcjy1 wrote:
i have Outlook Express 6.
Forum: Outlook Express
January 2nd 09, 07:33 PM Posted to
Replies: 9
Views: 448
sizing onscreen photos
i have 2000, thank you.
"PA Bear [MS MVP]" wrote:
Windows version?
marcjy1 wrote:
i have Outlook Express 6.
Forum: Outlook Express
December 31st 08, 08:30 PM Posted to
Replies: 9
Views: 448
sizing onscreen photos
i have Outlook Express 6.
when i email photos and get a cc of my msg and then scroll thru the photos,
they are much too large.
can someone tell me how to size down photos so they can...
Forum: Outlook Express
December 1st 08, 09:33 PM Posted to
Replies: 4
Views: 875
window size
i have windows 2000. "hydravision individual application settings" is a
window you get when you click on the arrow in the upper right hand corner of
the express window, next to the maximize, minus...
Forum: Outlook Express
December 1st 08, 05:53 PM Posted to
Replies: 4
Views: 875
window size
this is kind of a basic question, but when i boot up outlook express 6, the
window is often reduced rather than full size on the monitor.
also, when i open a message, the window is always reduced...
Forum: Outlook Express
November 25th 08, 07:39 PM Posted to
Replies: 4
Views: 533
error msg in outlook express 6
i did know all that about third parties. in fact, i have nod 32. i recall
at one point adding her as a trusted address in nod 32, but even that didn't
work. all is well now and i wanted to thank...
Forum: Outlook Express
November 24th 08, 08:50 PM Posted to
Replies: 4
Views: 533
error msg in outlook express 6
thank you very much for taking your time to respond.
yes, there was a typo, it was com. in her address. and, now i see com. was
also in the error msg.
i had deleted the period after com...
Forum: Outlook Express
November 24th 08, 05:33 PM Posted to
Replies: 4
Views: 533
error msg in outlook express 6
a friend recently changed her email address and her provider. when i emailed
her, the below error msg appeared. i now get the error msg before all
outgoing emails. they go thru, but only after...