Forum: Outlook Express
June 18th 07, 11:47 PM Posted to
Replies: 2
Views: 530
forgot xp password
My son (6 yrs old) was playing on our computer and he set up and then forgot a password and now no one can use the computer. We have tried everything and it appears he just randomly pushed keys and...
Forum: Outlook Express
April 4th 07, 09:57 PM Posted to
Replies: 7
Views: 880
comcast e-mail
Yes, I did.
I think I got it, now. I also removed the Norton Anti-spam folder, then changed my outgoing port from 25 to 587
Stephen A. Catrambone
UOP Online Faculty
Forum: Outlook Express
April 3rd 07, 06:26 AM Posted to
Replies: 7
Views: 880
comcast e-mail
This is confusing...
I am receiving some e-mail from the outside, however, when I send myself an e-mail to my comcast account via of my comcast account, it does not come through.
Also, when I send...
Forum: Outlook Express
March 7th 07, 12:35 PM Posted to
Replies: 1
Views: 374
sent items
For some reason, my sent items are not appearing in the sent items folder. It is checked under tools, options, etc.
The latest sent items are from 3/28...not sure what is going on.
Forum: Outlook Express
January 12th 07, 12:53 AM Posted to
Replies: 4
Views: 490
sending e-mail via comcast
I receive e-mail via my comcast account, but I am having difficulty sending. I thought I saw this in here before, but cannot locate it again. Thanks for your is the error...
Forum: Outlook Express
January 3rd 07, 01:06 AM Posted to
Replies: 1
Views: 314
saving mail folders
Anyone know how I can transfer mail folders from my desktop to my laptop?
They are newsgroup folders that I have saved in an OE folder and contain approximately 1,000 messages. Since I have a new...