Forum: Outlook Express
April 8th 08, 12:59 AM Posted to
Replies: 11
Views: 759
Forum: Outlook Express
April 8th 08, 12:41 AM Posted to
Replies: 11
Views: 759
Lost previous thread but problem isolated
You fixed it "I think"
Deleting Avast did not help but creating a new identity seems to have it
working now in that identity.
Can you tell me where to find instructions for moving my mail, and...
Forum: Outlook Express
April 7th 08, 08:51 PM Posted to
Replies: 11
Views: 759
Lost previous thread but problem isolated
Yes it fails with the message not broken up and also if broken in segments.
I am using Avast but have it set not to check outgoing, also have tried
turning it fully off and problem...
Forum: Outlook Express
April 7th 08, 08:35 PM Posted to
Replies: 11
Views: 759
Lost previous thread but problem isolated
I now recreated both the outbox and the sent box plus again compacted all
folders. I have done everything suggested so far but it still aborts
anywhere from 2% to 50% thru message.
Message sent on...
Forum: Outlook Express
April 7th 08, 06:51 AM Posted to
Replies: 11
Views: 759
Lost previous thread but problem isolated
In the confusion of the moment I may not have replied to every message
especially where they overlaps so here is a summary. I did take action on
all of them. Thank you for the thread which I had...
Forum: Outlook Express
April 7th 08, 03:29 AM Posted to
Replies: 11
Views: 759
Lost previous thread but problem isolated
Sorry I lost the thread but the problem is now better isolated so PLEASE
help me here.
In OE6 longer messages of a few hundred K or more crash my ISP server and
cause a disconnect.
Your server...
Forum: Outlook Express
April 5th 08, 12:28 AM Posted to
Replies: 4
Views: 679
Message length
Thank you all for your information. It explains just what I wanted to know
perfectly. The size is roughly tripling due to start as plain text and sent
"shakey" wrote...
Forum: Outlook Express
April 4th 08, 05:38 PM Posted to
Replies: 4
Views: 679
Message length
While troubleshooting another problem I noticed this and wonder if its
When generating a new message I insert 90k of text that was in notepad but
the outgoing file becomes about 270k. No...
Forum: Outlook Express
April 3rd 08, 10:09 PM Posted to
Replies: 27
Views: 1,659
need help with outgoing emails
Boo I am currently fighting same thing. I have found it to relate to
message length, the longer the more likely to fail.
Try sending yourself a brief text message like "the quick brown fox" Bet...
Forum: Outlook Express
April 2nd 08, 06:42 PM Posted to
Replies: 8
Views: 466
Can't send pics -bruce and pa
After hours more of testing I find that the TRUE problem is different but
was masked.
In fact I can send messages that are under about 80K total size no matter if
text or jpgs. Above that...
Forum: Outlook Express
April 2nd 08, 05:55 AM Posted to
Replies: 8
Views: 466
Can't send pics
Sure Bruce and thanks.
The outgoing message immediately ends up in the outgoing file folder.
Your server has unexpectedly terminated the connection. Possible causes for
this include server...
Forum: Outlook Express
April 2nd 08, 05:04 AM Posted to
Replies: 8
Views: 466
Can't send pics
Using XP and IE6 I can send text message to anyone or myself but if I add
attachment or in line JPG it will not go out. Server error, been working
with my ISP support over one hour with no...
Forum: Outlook Express
March 6th 08, 08:14 PM Posted to
Replies: 4
Views: 263
moving messages
"shakey" wrote in message
When moving messages to the folder I want to save in I used to click MOVE
and see all my folders. Now...
Forum: Outlook Express
March 5th 08, 07:43 PM Posted to
Replies: 4
Views: 263
moving messages
When moving messages to the folder I want to save in I used to click MOVE
and see all my folders. Now I only see the one overall folder and have to
click folder, sub folder, and on until I get to...
Forum: Outlook Express
February 24th 08, 09:59 PM Posted to
Replies: 6
Views: 300
Thanks Ken
Would have loved a fix but its also great to now know that it was not my
"Ken" wrote in message...
Forum: Outlook Express
February 24th 08, 08:16 PM Posted to
Replies: 6
Views: 300
Not Fixed but learned something
peratus fails but PERATUS is OK as its caps in the custom dictionary.
However M&M is same "caps" and still fails. Try it please.
Forum: Outlook Express
February 24th 08, 08:06 PM Posted to
Replies: 6
Views: 300
Thanks Ken but its been all along in that dictionary also and yet still
refuses to accept it.
"Ken" wrote in message...
Forum: Outlook Express
February 24th 08, 07:12 PM Posted to
Replies: 6
Views: 300
I understand that OE uses the dictionary from other program such as word.
Here is my problem.
I have added "M&M" to my custom dictionary in word and word documents now
accept that...
Forum: Outlook Express
January 23rd 08, 07:54 PM Posted to
Replies: 5
Views: 593
outlook express dictionary problem
Bruce, I have seen this problem covered a few times but I installed MS
Office Standard over Office 2003 last week and still have spellcheck in OE6
mail. Should I feel left out LOL or worried? Is...
Forum: Outlook Express
January 14th 08, 08:38 PM Posted to
Replies: 7
Views: 352
newsgroup accounts
Thank you Bruce for how to and thanks to others for replies.
"Bruce Hagen" wrote in message
Tools | Options | General....
Forum: Outlook Express
January 13th 08, 09:27 PM Posted to
Replies: 7
Views: 352
newsgroup accounts
When I open read mail to inbox then click on the pulldown it shows all mail
folders and then lists newsgroups subscribed to. Under each news account it
opens to the subscribed groups which is...
Forum: Outlook Express
January 9th 08, 10:48 PM Posted to
Replies: 2
Views: 312
set my acc
I thought it was a good post Bruce, even I can answer it with
"Bruce Hagen" wrote in message
Good Newsgroup Posts:
Forum: Outlook Express
January 2nd 08, 07:51 PM Posted to
Replies: 14
Views: 770
This MI5 guy and message rules
This is from new users group, any validity to this idea or varieties of it?
Justin Thyme wrote:
Just set up a rule to filter on Message ID contains "
"PA Bear" ...
Forum: Outlook Express
November 29th 07, 08:20 PM Posted to
Replies: 4
Views: 355
Removing posts
Anything at all that you send out online is there FOREVER for anyone to see
if they know how.
So be careful what you say.
"desgnr" wrote in message...
Forum: Outlook Express
September 25th 07, 06:13 PM Posted to,microsoft.public.windowsxp.help_and_support
Replies: 4
Views: 388
Problem and problem with problem
Ace-Frank Thank you both for input now I understand better what and why I
see on the start menu. I will check out the suggested program, sounds great.
As for the missing messages my last one, that...